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The New Year had been late, and Xiao Zhan had to go back to work before the Lantern Festival. This semester, he led two classes which were only four times a week, two four-hour sections and two two-hour sections so he had plenty of free time.

After the new year, all the colleagues in the group had gained a lot of weight, and Xiao Zhan brought a few boxes of imported chocolates for several female colleagues to share.

"Since there is a little Xiao in the office, it's getting harder and harder for us to integrate." Professor Xu was a middle-aged man who had been teaching for more than a decade, and had recently started to put on weight. He was the kind of teacher that students considered the most frightening and difficult to understand as they had many assignments and exams to pass.

Another older female professor laughed at him. "I haven't seen you give anything to your colleagues for so many years, and that year you gave me tea bags, you ended up drinking them in the office."

"Do not insult me," Professor Xu laughed two times and said, "Your students have my class this semester, who says I won't flunk your students?"

The female professor's last name was Lin, and she was also a master's director. She sat back in her chair and said, "I don't dare to mess with you, but don't mess with me. My students are going on an exchange program next year."

Xiao Zhan smiled and listened to their small talk. In fact, they had just started to work again and were not used to it since they were accustomed to being casual during this time at home. He sat on the chair and yawned while casually updating his status as a post, [It's the end of the holiday, and did not have enough sleep. So hard.]

On the first day of work, it was inevitable that there would be a meeting. While the dean spoke during the meeting, he tried really hard to hide the fact that he was sleepy. After the dean spoke, the assistant dean spoke, then the head of the department, and lastly their team leader. After each speech, Xiao Zhan's brain was muddled, and he felt dizzy when he left due to the aftermath of the holiday. He didn't know how many days it would take to adjust.

Once he returned to the office, he took out his phone from the drawer, but there were no messages. He opened WeChat and saw that there were a lot of comments on his post. He looked at them one by one, and his finger suddenly stopped when he read a certain one, and then he couldn't help himself but to smile.

It was Wang Yibo who commented to him with an expression of a green gift box, on a small box, that did not say anything. This was the first time Wang Yibo commented on Xiao Zhan's status, and the comments below it were lively.

Lin Xuan replied to Wang Yibo, [Yo.]

Fang Xi replied to Wang Yibo, [Tsk.]

Old Zhu replied to Wang Yibo, [What?]

Old Cao replied to Wang Yibo, [Why are you two so unrestrained?]

As they mocked his idol, Xiao Zhan could not bear it and thought about it before replying to Wang Yibo, [[kiss kiss][kiss kiss].]

Professor Xiao gave you support.

After receiving the gift, Xiao Zhan's head did not feel dizzy and his vitality increased. What was this so-called holiday sequelae? It does not exist.

In fact, Wang Yibo had not meant to deliberately send that. However, after seeing Xiao Zhan's status, he wanted to comment on it but couldn't think of what to say, and he didn't know which expression to send. Thinking about what Xiao Zhan said on New Year's Eve, Wang Yibo was actually more or less ashamed after sending it.

With a shy expression on his face, he didn't even want to look at his phone again.

Lu Xiaobei, with his crossbody bag, ran into the store and stomped his legs while jumping, "Holy shit! Ah, ah, ah, ah, it's freezing! My bones are freezing and cracking."

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