Chapter 48 -Aston

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I get home, and all I can think about is Everly and what she said.

I don't want to fucking lose her. I don't want her to move away. I really fucking care about her.

Walking into my penthouse, I press the button on my phone to listen to my voicemail, and a shrill voice pops up. "Aston, it's me, Sienna. I need to talk to you about Will. He's unhinged. He's going to do something to me, I swear. You need to take this seriously. Call me."

I swipe my phone off, not wanting to deal with fucking Sienna right now. She's the last person on the planet that I want in my life right now. She's why I can't fucking trust Everly, and now Everly might move away for good.

I sit down on the massive couch in my living room to think. I have to figure this shit out.

I know that I have feelings for Everly, but fuck, I'm scared of getting my heart broken again. But Everly's never given me any sign that she could do that. In fact, she seems to be the opposite of Sienna—kind, caring, thoughtful, so fucking good in bed. She's the total package. So what am I afraid of?

It all comes rushing back to me—the night I found Sienna in bed with Will, the pain in my heart that it caused, the mistake I made at Amethyst with three strippers, the shitshow that became my life. I remember it all. And yet, there was one constant through most of it, and that was Everly. She's been there shining her light, showing me the way through. And in the process, I've developed deep feelings for her.


I decide to call Sienna and get it over with.

"What do you want?" I ask when she answers.

Tearfully, she responds. "I made a mistake, such a big one. Will is a monster. I can't believe I never saw this in him. Neither of us did. I promise you you've never seen him like this."

I shrug. "He's probably just trying to act tough to scare you. Don't let it work. Don't show him you're afraid."

"You don't get it, Aston. He's been threatening me daily, saying that I better come back to him or else."

"Or else what?" I ask.

"That's the point," she says. "I don't know what he's capable of."

"Listen, Sienna. This is not my fucking problem. You need to fix your life. After all, you destroyed mine, and I'm in the process of fixing my own shit."

"About that," she says. "I wanted to say I'm sorry about all the drama surrounding you. I know I'm responsible for some of it."

"Some of it? All of this shit is your fault, Sienna," I say, anger laced in my voice.

"Hey, I didn't force you to fuck those strippers. You did that all on your own," she retorts.

"You crushed my fucking heart!" I explode. "You made me broken so I could never trust anyone again."

After pausing, she asks, "Are you talking about Everly?"

"Maybe I am," I growl. "It's none of your fucking business."

"Are you telling me that you're in love with her?"


Sienna cannot and will not know my feelings for Everly, especially when I'm unsure how I feel.

"That's it," she says, a happy tone to her voice. "You're in love with her. I can tell."

"How can you tell?" I ask, confounded.

"I just can. You wouldn't be this grumpy over someone you didn't care about."

"Yeah, well, I can't trust her thanks to you. I can't trust any woman."

"Well, that's a cop-out if I've ever heard one," she says. "What do you mean you can't trust? Sure, I get that I destroyed you, but you have to come back from that. You can't let it eat you alive."

I never thought I'd be taking relationship advice from Sienna fucking Rowe.

"You don't understand the pain you caused," I tell her. "It wasn't nothing, and it's not easy to come back from. Hell, it only happened a few weeks ago."

"Yeah, but you're not one to let stuff get you down. You bounce back. If this woman, Everly, is the one for you, you can't let her go."

Hmm, the thought of letting Everly go causes my heart to race, and not in a good way. Sienna may be right.

"Since when did you become like this?" I ask.

"Like what?"


"I've always been nice, Aston. You just failed to see my true colors, focusing on how I hurt you instead."

She's right, of course. I've been blinded by the pain Sienna inflicted on me. I've forgotten who she truly is, seeing only deception and betrayal.

"You know, you used to focus on my pussy," she says. "We had some good times."

It's true. Sienna and I did have explosive sex, but it still was nothing like what I have with Everly.

I can't let her go.

I have to find her and tell her I have feelings for her. Thanks to this little conversation with Sienna, I might even be able to trust Everly. She's right, after all. I can't let this bullshit with her and Will get me down. It's time to move on from all that.

"Thanks, Sienna. I have to go."

"Wait, what about Will?" she asks as I hang up the phone.

"Just tell him to fuck off," I say before hanging up on her.

Now I have Everly to think about. Sienna's right—when do I ever give up? Fucking never, that's when.

My heart might've been shattered into tiny pieces, but I'll pick it up and put it back together for her.

Everly's worth it. 

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