Chapter 44 -Everly

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We touch down in Seattle, where Aston has a limousine waiting to pick us up.

"This is so nice and unexpected," I tell him as I sit against the cool leather seats. "You didn't have to do this, Aston."

"I wanted to. I want to do anything I can to make you comfortable while we find your sister."

His confidence makes me feel warm inside. Usually, I'm by myself looking for Kaley. I've had Julie help me in the past, but aside from her, it's been just me searching for my sister. It's comforting to have Aston here by my side.

Kaley's on foot, so we start at Shining Stars Rehabilitation Center to see if she's still near the building, but she isn't. Then, we begin looking around the city, visiting Kaley's old haunts to see if she's there.

Big storm clouds hang heavy with rain that eventually falls, obscuring our view. But I won't let that stop us.

I will find Kaley.

"Aston, I'm afraid," I confide in him. "She could be anywhere."

He holds my hand. "I know, angel. It's a big fucking city, but we won't stop until she's safe with us."

His words make me feel better, but as I look outside at the rain-covered streets, I can't help but imagine Kaley out there on her own. She doesn't want to be found. She wants to get away from me, away from treatment, but I'll never let that happen. I have to fight for her.

We go down by the docks, a place in the city where homeless people and drug addicts hang out. I've found Kaley here once before. As the limousine drives by, we receive bad looks from the people on the street.

"I wish we could help them all," I say to Aston, tears lining my eyes.

He continues to squeeze my hand. "Maybe that can be the next charity we start, one for homeless people or a rehabilitation center."

I look at him, happy and grateful that he's in my life. He may not be able to trust me, and we may have had our ups and downs, but Aston is a good person. That's why I continue to fight so hard to fix his image problem. He deserves to have his life be back to normal.

We scan the streets, but there's no sign of my sister. All afternoon, we search, looking everywhere—in parks, under bridges, in alleyways. I explore all of Kaley's old places where she used to hang out, but still, there's nothing.

"I don't think we're ever going to find her," I say to Aston as the sun begins to set over the city.

The limousine snakes its way through Seattle. But then, just as I'm about to give up hope, as we're about to turn off Peak Street, I see someone lying in the gutter. I recognize her face—her hollowed-out eyes, thin lips, and chiseled cheekbones from being so skinny.

"I—I think that's her," I say to Aston.

He peers out the window. "Are you sure?"

The more I look, the more I realize that it's Kaley. Her thin body is wrapped in secondhand clothes, and her stringy, brunette hair covers part of her face. But I can tell that it's her.

"Stop the limo!" I yell to the driver.

I jump out of the car while it's still moving, anxious to get to Kaley.

I run over to the gutter, placing my hand on her hair and wiping it away from her face. But when I do, she doesn't respond to me.

"Kaley!" I call her name, shaking her. "Wake up."

I become panicked as I realize she's unconscious.

Slapping her face, trying to get her to regain awareness, I scream, "It's me, it's Everly, your sister."

Chained To Me: A Billionaire Enemies To Lovers RomanceOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz