Chapter 4 -Everly

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I'm awoken by my phone ringing off the hook.

I check the time.

6:00 A.M.


What could be going on?

Immediately my mind jumps to my sister.


What if something happened to her? What if she's in trouble at her rehab?

I grab the phone but accidentally knock it off the bed in my post-slumber haste, so I have to look for it in the dark. I'm on my knees, searching wildly, when I finally discover it underneath the bed.

"Hello? This is Everly. Is everything all right?"

"Ms. Hunter? My name's Lina Barnes. I'm from New York City. I'm Mr. Aston Thomas's publicist. We need you here right away."

I blink several times, trying to take in what I'm hearing. "Excuse me. Who are you?"

"Aston Thomas's publicist, the billionaire. It's important that you come here now! We have a crisis, and I've heard you're the best in the business."

Suddenly it's all starting to make sense. This is a job opportunity.

I quickly get up from my knees, pace around the room, and try to clear my head. I need to act professionally if I'm going to land this desperately needed chance.

"Oh, you'll have to forgive me. It's very early here on the West Coast. What is the crisis involving Mr. Thomas?" I ask.

"Go and open your computer," she says. "Log onto the online edition of The New York Standard. In fact, log onto any media outlet, and you'll see what's happened."

I do as she says, opening my laptop and going to the site. What I see shocks me. On the front page is a strikingly gorgeous man covered in tattoos surrounded by strippers. There are various photos of him, half-naked, doing sensual things with beautiful, albeit scantily clad women.

Looking into his blue eyes, I see a darkness that frightens me. His photos, even the ones of him in such compromising positions, scream power and authority. He seems intimidating as he handles the strippers with ease, his hands roaming over their bodies, feeling his way across various body parts.

I gulp to think of having to work for someone like him with such evident dominance.

"Who is this man?" I ask the publicist.

"He's one of the most famous men in New York City, indeed in the world. He runs Thomas Real Estate Group, a very successful real estate firm. But these images could ruin him."

Now I see why I've been called. This is a crisis if I've ever seen one. These types of photos could take down even the most successful of men. They're an Achilles' Heel for anyone, but definitely for someone rich who runs a profitable business. People like nothing more than seeing someone in a power position fail.

I immediately jump into action, knowing I must help this man, Aston Thomas, whoever he is.

I look back at the photos, noticing how much this man seems to reek power as he scrapes his nails down a dancer's back. He bites her lip as she arches her back into him.

Involuntarily, I feel my body respond to what I'm seeing.

The images are so erotic, splashed across the morning's news, a flash of reality, showing what happens during the late night hours. They reveal the underbelly of society, what happens at 3 a.m. Aston has been caught indulging in the lascivious, sexual side of life. It's a side that's supposed to be kept private. It's not good for his image as a businessperson. It could devastate his career.

I gaze at his astonishing blue eyes, wondering how a man such as he allowed himself to be caught in a position like this. No doubt he keeps a tight leash on every facet of his life. So what led him to be so reckless?

While Aston might look incredibly intimidating, something inside me knows that I'll help him. I can't turn my back on this. The possibility that I can make this work and that it could be good for me is too tempting.

"I can be on the next flight out," I say as I begin to pack. "I promise that I can help you to solve this situation."

I don't know why I'm making such an affirmation. I'm effectively leaving Seattle and everything I've ever known. But Mr. Thomas will be ruined if I wait to do something quickly. I know this. And there's something inside of me that feels called to assist him, though I don't know why.

"Thank you, Ms. Hunter. You have no idea how much you'll be helping us. I'll have someone pick you up at the airport. Text me the details."

"Thanks. I will. See you soon."

I hang up with Lina, knowing that I'm headed into a disaster zone. But it's nothing I can't handle. In fact, I might be the one person in the country who can aid this man.

So, I pack my luggage with only the essentials, knowing I have to hurry, all the while thinking about those photos.

Aston has sandy blonde hair, striking blue eyes, and tattoos everywhere. He looks like the type of man I know I should stay away from—dangerous—and yet I know he needs me.

I try to erase the images I have of him in my head.

He grabbed one of the strippers by the waist, his big hand coming around her taut stomach, drawing her to him.

Kissing another, his eyes looked vacant, like he was somewhere else, focused on something else.

And yet, in another photo, a stripper was straddling him. His hands came up over her arched back. Her mouth was inches from his in a moment that would inevitably end in a kiss.

All of this is burned in my brain as I can't shake the fact that I think Aston is overpoweringly handsome.

But my professionalism kicks in.

He might be the most gorgeous man I've ever seen, but he's also a client, someone I'll be working for. I need to support him.

He looks like the consummate bad boy, so I know I need to be wary of him. But he's in trouble, and I'll do everything I can to fix his circumstance.

I put together my bag, then go to find Julie, waking her up.

"What is it?" she says sleepily.

"I have to go," I whisper, wishing I didn't have to do this. Goodbyes are not my forte.

"Hmm? Where are you going?" She lifts herself up on her elbows, staring at me sleepily in bewilderment.

I take my phone and pull up the photos of Aston, showing it to her. "I have a job in New York. I have to be on the next flight out."

She grabs my phone, looking at the graphic images of Aston kissing, groping, and nearly having sex with three different strippers.

"Oh my god!" she exclaims. "This is what you're going to be dealing with?"

I look at her pleadingly. "I have to help him. I know that if anyone can do this, I can."

She breathes a deep sigh, resolute to the fact that I'll be leaving. "Okay. I get it. You have to do what you have to do."

I reach over, hugging her. "Goodbye, Julie."

"Bye, babes."

I release my best friend, knowing I'm making the right decision. I need a job, and I need to help this man, no matter how intimidating he might look.

I'm capable of handling this emergency even though it looks disastrous. I thrive on this. I can take this. I'm the perfect person for the job.

I leave my apartment and Julie behind, with one more stop to make before I head out to the airport. This is one place I don't want to go, but I have to face this.

My sister. 

Chained To Me: A Billionaire Enemies To Lovers RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now