Chapter 12 -Aston

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It's been a fucking day.

I've been hungover for most of it, and I've had to deal with the maelstrom that's become my life.

Sienna has been on my mind constantly—her legs wrapped around Will, her cries for him.

It's like a bad nightmare that I can't wake up from.

Then there's Everly Hunter.

She might be the most gorgeous woman I've ever seen—her perfect doll-like face and shapely body making my cock hard—but that doesn't mean I want her in my life, snooping around.

For the short time she was with me, she was asking questions non-stop about what happened last night.

Yes, I regret fucking the strippers. I wish I hadn't been twelve inches deep inside each of them, running from my pain. I regret it all. But that doesn't mean I want Everly or the public to know about my personal anguish, the way Sienna ripped my heart out of my body.

Everly can never know the truth that Sienna fucked Will, and that's why I ended up at Amethyst. To have her, a stranger, knowing my deepest suffering would ruin me. It would destroy what's left of my damaged core.

I don't care if it would help my image for the public to know the truth. No one can know. Not Everly. Not the world. No one.

I sit at the massive marble island of my sumptuous kitchen, scrolling through my phone. All I see are bad headlines and images of me with the strippers.

It's terrible fucking press. My reputation looks tarnished beyond repair.

I swipe a hand through my blonde hair, brushing it off my face, reliving my mistakes last night.

Fucking Cristal and making her scream...

Chardonnay's tight pussy...

Lexus's mouth wrapped around my cock...

It was all an error, wrong on my part. But I was running from the massive amount of despair I felt inside.

I take out the diamond ring I bought Sienna and stare at it. It glimmers under the pendant lights that hang above the island.

I thought she was my forever. I thought there was nothing that could tear us apart. But I was so fucking wrong.

She stabbed me in the fucking back with my best friend.

I slated Will to be the best man at our wedding, a guy I've known for years. I never figured, not in a thousand fucking years, that he would do this to me. I thought he was better than that. He was someone I trusted.

Now his face, making Sienna come, is burned into my brain. His betrayal is etched into my soul.

Fuck my life.

I decide to take matters into my own hands. I need to know what happened.

I take my phone and dial Will's number, wanting answers.

He picks up on the second ring. "What's up, Aston? I didn't expect to hear from you."

"I want to know why you did it," I growl. "Tell me why you fucked her."

He has the nerve to laugh into the phone. "She has good pussy."

"That's not why you did it," I say. "I want the fucking truth."

I don't know why I'm pushing this. I shouldn't want to see the truth of their relationship. It's none of my business; knowing will only make the cut deeper. But there's some twisted part of me that's curious. I have to find out why this affair started.

"Listen," he says. "We never meant to hurt you. What Sienna and I have began slowly. It started as stolen glances behind your back, and it morphed into something else, into something truly special. She's the one for me, man."

My stomach aches at his admission. I can hardly believe what I'm hearing.

"Special?" I hit the counter with my fist, making it bleed. "What you have with her is not fucking special. You stole her from me, and that makes you a goddamn snake. You never fucking thought about me or how I'd feel when it all came to light. You were my best fucking friend."

"Yeah, and as your friend, I witnessed you having it all. You're a goddamn billionaire, Aston. You have all the money in the world. You have power and prestige. And you also had her. Sienna. How the fuck do you think that made me feel?"

"You were jealous of me?" I never thought Will was the jealous type.

He may not be a billionaire, but he has his own money and a successful career as a finance guy.

"Maybe I was jealous. Maybe it's time someone else got a piece of the goddamn pie."

I'm stunned that he's saying these words to me. "Sienna's not pie, Will. She's a person. And up until last night, she was my person that you stole from me."

He lets out a bitter laugh. "She chose me, Aston. We're sorry you got hurt by all this, but she's mine now."

I feel my heart thudding hard in my chest. I've heard all that I need to. I feel sick by this conversation.

"Goodbye, Will. I truly fucking think you two deserve each other." I hang up the phone before he can deliver another cutting response.

I feel deceived and betrayed. No matter what Will says, it's evident he's jealous of me and what I have. Whether he and Sienna are in love makes no difference to me. He was out to steal what was mine.

How did I not see it coming? 

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