Chapter 47 -Everly

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We return to New York.

To say that I'm thankful for what Aston did for me is an understatement. I don't think I would have found Kaley if it weren't for him.

"You know, you're more caring than you give off," I tell him as he drives me back to my hotel.

He grins as he navigates the roads of New York City. "You think so?"

"Yes," I say. "You give off this aura of icy power and authority, but inside, there's much more to you."

I don't tell Aston that I think I'm falling for him, that the more I get to know him, the more I like him. That would only cause things between us to become weird.

But I know myself. I've started developing feelings for him even though he said he has trust issues. So, that's why I can never tell him the truth about what I feel. It's unrequited love.

"Maybe you're right," he says. "But let's keep that our little secret. I'd hate for the world to know my soft side." He issues me a sideways glance, and I melt a little.

On the way back to the hotel, I can't help but feel a range of emotions. We found Kaley, and she's safe. That's a win for me. But things with Aston will never come to a head. I'll always want more than what we have. Plus, I'll be leaving New York soon as his image continues to improve, and my work here will end. A part of me is excited to return to Seattle, to my life, but another part will ache for Aston.

"I'll miss you," I say.

"What do you mean?" He glances over at me as I analyze his handsome profile.

The man could be a model. His tall, statuesque body feels good when pressed against mine. Blue eyes that look like the ocean cause butterflies to swarm in my stomach. His perfectly straight nose compliments his sharp, sculpted cheekbones. And those lips—I die for those full lips which, by now, have kissed my pussy many times. I know what they're capable of.

"I mean that I'll be going back to Seattle soon." I look outside as rain begins to fall. I analyze the droplets that run down my window like they're the most exciting thing in the world—anything to take me away from this moment of having to tell Aston goodbye. "Your reputation will continue to steadily climb back to where it once was, especially after the charity gala. You won't need me anymore." I shrug.

I can feel him looking at me, even as he maneuvers the car on the road. "You don't have to do this," he says.

"Do what?"

"Run away from me because I can't trust you." He runs a hand through his hair. "I'm fucked up, Everly. It has nothing to do with you. I want to keep seeing you."

"You want casual sex, is what you mean?" I say vehemently. "You want me to be your hook-up, available when and where you ask. But that's not me. Don't you see? I'm not a hook-up kind of person."

I have to deny him. Even though he looks like Adonis and is the best sex I've ever had, I need to say no to this. It's not healthy.

"That's not what it would be like," he says softly.

I turn in my seat to face him. "Oh yeah? Then what is it? You can't trust me. And I get it, Aston, I do. You've had your heart broken, trampled on. I'm not asking you to do anything you're not ready for. But I can't hang around for it, either." I sit back. "So, after the ball, I'm leaving."

I hear him sigh as we pull up to my hotel. My stomach drops a little, that he's not even trying to fight for me.

"Stay," he says, reaching out his hand for mine. "Stay with me tonight."

I look down at his massive hand, his warm hand, his hand that could offer me all kinds of things except for what I want and need—love.

I shake my head. "No. I need to go."

I leave the car and walk into the lobby, not looking back even once.

My stomach is in knots, and my heart beats about a thousand times a minute.

I wish I could be the kind of woman to settle for less. I wish I could give him what he needs, which is less. But I can't because I know I deserve more.

I go upstairs to my room, lie on the bed, and cry.

There's only so much ache a heart can take; mine has it out for one man. Aston.

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