Chapter 26 -Aston

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It's bright and early in the fucking morning, and after driving through a crowd of protesters and paparazzi, I'm in my office feeling like shit. Half my clients are gone. I've given the other half to different agents in my office so they don't have to deal with me in the face of such humiliation.

It's like the entire country is gunning for me.

I'm sick of the bullshit, of being the first name on everyone's lips when they make a joke about strippers or some shit. I'm tired of paparazzi following my every move, trying to get a statement. All I want is for things to go back to normal.

I grab some coffee, sit down at my desk and wonder what the fuck comes next.

That's when she walks in, looking cheerful and happy as usual.

"Good morning, Aston. I see you've already gotten yourself some coffee. I'd love some of that."

I watch in disbelief as Everly heads to the coffee bar in my office to make herself some espresso. Then, she walks toward my desk, dropping her briefcase down in its usual spot.

"Why the fuck are you so perky this morning?" I ask.

"Me? Oh, it's nothing. I've just got you a radio interview on The Candid Talk With Jackson Bass." She smiles.

"You mean with the Jackson Bass?" I ask, surprised.

"That's right." Her voice is practically singsong. "That show is so popular, but it's also depraved. It's the perfect place for you to tell your story."

"Wait a minute." I put up my hands. "You're not expecting me to give you the reason I was at Amethyst, are you? Because Everly, I can't start with that bullshit again. I'm not going to..."

"No reason required," she says. "This interview is purely about you. You can say as little or as much as you want about that night. I would encourage you to stick an apology in there somewhere. But Aston, it's an apology done your way. Don't let me put words in your mouth this time."

I smile.

She's done it. She's making moves already, and they're moves that make sense.

"I don't know how you scored this interview," I say. "But I'm impressed."

She flutters her long eyelashes at me, making my cock fucking hard. "I'm glad. I wanted to give you something that would make you happy, that would be a start to helping this all go away for you."

I want to get up, bring her into my arms, hug her, and hold her. But I don't. I respect the fact that she wants to have professional boundaries. I have to respect that even if it's not what I want.

So, instead, I say, "What needs to be done?"

"We need to prep you for the interview. It's at noon."

"All right. Let's start."

I let Everly take over, take control, even though it's hard for me to relinquish the reins.

I love to be in charge. I want to be in command of her, making her come for me again. I imagine her spread out across my desk, legs open, just waiting for me to penetrate her, to make her scream in pleasure.

But no.

That can't happen.

I've resigned myself to the fact that Everly wants to have limits to our relationship. I understand it.

But I also have to recognize that piece of me that wants to own her. I want to have her wrapped around my cock, coming hard for me again.

I can't deny that there's a heated connection between us, something seismic and earth-shaking.

While I respect her boundaries, I also need to make her see that we're great for each other. There has to be a way to convince her.

I let her prep me. I follow her advice even when it seems wrong or contrary to what I'd typically do. It's my interview, but I must follow Everly's guidance. She's the pro, not me. I'm finally willing to admit that.

We spend the better part of the morning working together, and by the time the interview rolls around, I'm ready.

It's time to clean up the shitstorm that's become my life. 

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