SHADOW (Matsukawa Issei)

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Requested by green_pistachio on my Wattpad.

I was surprised to get a request for Matsukawa, so I hope I did him justice. Another drabble.

Sorry for no posts, was in the mental hospital again

Title: Shadow

Pairings: Matsukawa Issei x Reader

WARNINGS: Yandere themes, implied murder

Summary: The frequenter of the coffee shop you work at is a lot closer than you think.



used in reference to proximity, ominous oppressiveness, or sadness and gloom:

The way you smiled politely at him when he paid for his coffee always melted his heart, even if his face remained stoic.

Everything you did seemed to make his heart flutter. From the way you bustled around the shop, cleaning, to the way you picked at your nails while waiting for someone to come to your register at the dead times of day.

The shop was a warm, cozy place, but that's not why Matsukawa visited it so often. He settled himself into a booth seat with a clear view of the rest of the cafe for one reason and one reason only.

To see you.

Matsukawa set up his laptop in the corner booth, taking a sip from his white styrofoam cup. The coffee was good, he'd discovered that much on the day he met you, but maybe that's because you're the one who made it.

He remembered the day you two met like it was yesterday, although it had been many weeks since then.

He had come in for a simple coffee with old friends from high school. Oikawa had led the way through those glass doors, the tinkle of a bell alerting the servers inside to their presence. It was rush hour, so a line snaked its way nearly to the doors.

Oikawa was quick to flirt with the servers, but as soon as Matsukawa saw you, he suddenly wished his outgoing friend would shut his mouth for once. It was love at first sight, he was sure of that much.

He was sure you'd fall for Oikawa's irresistible charm, just as every other girl did, but you surprised him. When you heard his flirtatious lines, you smiled politely and turned him down. Iwaizumi wasn't the most impressed one this time around.

Matsukawa would never- could never- approach you. He didn't have the charm Oikawa did, even if you were more into tall, quiet, mysterious men. He didn't have the confidence to be your boyfriend.

Maybe that's why he always followed you to and from work. You were so oblivious to it, he couldn't help it. It made him worry what else you were oblivious to, especially considering you walked home in the dark.

You occasionally took a shortcut through an alley, but this was the first time something went wrong. One of the homeless men warming his hands over a trash can fire made a pass at you, tried to grab your ass as you walked by.

You ran down the alley, tears running down your face. What was Matsukawa supposed to do?

Thank goodness you didn't notice the splash of blood on the shirt of the man walking behind you.

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