CAPTIVATE (Aone Takanobu and Ushijima Wakatoshi)

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A request on my Tumblr! 

Title: Captivate

Pairings: Aone x Reader; Ushijima x Reader

WARNINGS: Yandere themes, panic attacks, Stockholm Syndrome, wtf is wrong with Aone and Ushijima

Summary: Ushijima and Aone love your music, but you find it hard to play for them in the situation you've found yourself in.



attract and hold the interest and attention of; charm.

The day that you had woken up, shaking in terror and dizzy with confusion, the two giants who had stolen you away from your home hadn't done anything more than sit in armchairs across from the bed you were chained to and watch you like you were art on display.

The second day was when the problems started.

Your captors truly were giants- tall, muscular, and intimidating. Neither seemed to talk much, especially the white-haired one. They frightened you to your very core, knowing that no matter how well you fought, you probably wouldn't leave a mark on either of them.

You couldn't even imagine taking them both on.

The brown-haired one called himself Ushijima while the white haired one (who, curiously, didn't seem to have eyebrows) called himself Aone. You had no way to confirm these were their names and, for all you knew, your kidnappers could be lying through their teeth. Still, it felt strangely comforting to be able to call them something.

Their expressions rarely changed from a hard, serious frown, but something in you could tell that they looked at you with soft affection. Maybe it was their eyes that gave it away? You weren't really sure.

They definitely weren't happy on the second day of your capture, though.

You had awoken that morning to the sound of something heavy being dragged into "your room". You shot upwards, on edge at the slightest of sounds, your heart pounding wildly in your chest in trepidation.

To your surprise, Aone was dragging a large, gold-colored harp through the door. So they knew you could play? How long had they been watching you before they took you?

Why did they want you here in the first place? They still hadn't told you a thing.

Ushijima slid the key into the cuff attaching your leg to the bed and unlocked it. You immediately pulled your leg away, ignoring the way his brows came together in a nearly hurt look.

He grabbed your hand, not in the crushing grip you had expected, but gently, as though you might break like porcelain under his touch. And with how strong he was and how fragile you felt, you just might.

You allowed him to lead you over to the harp and took a seat on the cushioned stool they had provided. Aone already sat across from you and, when Ushijima joined him, you felt a lump forming in your throat at the pressure.

"Play." Ushijima said simply. You had expected them to want that, since there was no other logical reason they'd plop you down in front of a harp.

"Wh-what song?" Your voice was hoarse from little use and nerves, shaking almost as much as you were. This is just like any other concert, calm down. It'll be okay.

"Any song."

You nodded and tried to swallow, but your throat was too dry to do so. You tried to reach a trembling hand out to the strings but, suddenly, your eyes flooded with unexpected tears. The harp blurred in front of you until it was nothing more than a shimmering golden blob. You couldn't see the strings, much less touch them, and you let your arm fall in defeat.

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