ADORE (Yamaguchi Tadashi)

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Can I just say I was so happy to write this? I, myself, am chubby irl. Although I want to change that, and have been losing weight over the past year or so, I still want people to love me for who I am regardless. I'm lucky enough to have people encouraging me and letting me know that I'll always be beautiful to them.

Yamaguchi takes this to the extremes a little-

Title: Adore

Pairings: Yamaguchi x Chubby! Reader

WARNINGS: Yandere themes, stalking, some insecurities, drugging, Yamaguchi means well but does not do well

Summary: Yamaguchi loves you just the way you are. If you're going to doubt your beauty, then he'll just have to prove to you how lovable you are.

Note: This was from a Tumblr collab!



love and respect (someone) deeply.

Yamaguchi was grateful that you never messed with your bedroom curtains.

Thick material that blocked out any shadows or silhouettes that were meant to be shown, covering most of your window. All but one little corner on the left.

From the angle it was at, it was extremely unlikely that you'd ever spot him, but that didn't stop him from anxiously ducking any time you looked in his general vicinity. He often worried that you may open your curtains someday, then close them again in a way that covered up that perfect peeping spot he'd been using for months.

He didn't mean to be creepy, and he always minded your privacy. Relatively speaking, of course. If you were getting changed, he'd cover his eyes until he was sure you'd finished. He'd only misjudged the time once, and he'd been so embarrassed that he ran all the way back to his house, his face the color of a ripe tomato.

He watched you step in front of your full-length mirror, frowning as you surveyed your reflection with a critical eye. Yamaguchi let out a sad sigh as he watched you do so, his heart aching at the thought that you might see yourself as anything less than beautiful.

Yamaguchi knew what it was like, to feel like a part of your appearance is judged harshly. When he was younger, people made fun of his freckles, and, as he got older, a few people mistook them for acne. He was so self-conscious about them for so long and then...

You talked with your friend about features you found cute. You'd insisted that you didn't have a type, and that you'd like someone for their personality, not their looks. But when your friend pressed you to give just one thing you think is cute you had given an answer Yamaguchi could have never expected.

Freckles. You thought freckles were cute.

He was already leaning forward in his seat to eavesdrop, and that statement just about knocked him out of the chair. Finally, he felt comfortable with his face, with the feature he worried most about.

You liked freckles, so he was proud to have them. He could have been beaten up in an alleyway that day for having them and he'd die happy knowing that you liked them.

Sure, you didn't specifically say his freckles were cute- it was just a general statement, but it was the closest he'd ever felt to being loved by you. He sat behind you in every class for two years and one semester, and never once did you notice him.

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