MEMORIZE (Akaashi Keiji)

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A request on my Tumblr

This turned out super short but I'm just proud I finally wrote something after 5 weeks of writer's block.

Title: Memorize

Pairings: Akaashi x Reader

WARNINGS: Yandere themes, swearing, stalking, Akaashi is really fucking creepy

Summary: Akaashi knows more about you than anyone else does- and when you decide it's best to move away, he's more than ready to use his knowledge to stop you.



commit to memory; learn by heart.

(Y/N) Weakness #27: She rarely notices when she's being followed.

It was both a blessing and a curse to Akaashi. A blessing in that it benefitted him when he "walked you home". It was a curse in that you were open to any creep who may have ill intentions, unlike Akaashi, who only wanted the best for you.

The sun was setting in the most beautiful orangey-pink hue, casting a heavenly glow across your already-beautiful face, lighting you up like you were the angel that Akaashi considered you to be.

He didn't like that you took classes so late, but he figured it could be worse. You were a night owl, so if you had decided to take college courses at night? You didn't even have a car, nor any friends to give you a ride home in the dark.

You weren't exactly a loner, not that you tried to be anyway. It was just that you had trouble making friends in your new university. Maybe it was because everyone was so much richer than you, a simple scholarship student, and you felt too out of place to reach out.

Akaashi liked to believe that he understood how you thought, how you worked, what made you tick, but so many aspects of you were still a mystery to him. It didn't help that he couldn't bring himself to put his heart on the line and befriend or, God forbid, ask you on a date.

No, it was better to observe from afar and memorize every little thing about you that he could. It was better to love you from the shadows and hope that, one day, he could bring himself to ask you to be his.

Sometimes he envied his best friend Bokuto, who had no fear of asking girls out or making friends. Akaashi was the opposite, quiet and a little socially awkward, not to mention he over-thought too often about anything and everything.

You took a sudden turn and Akaashi's heart dropped. Did you realize you were being followed after all and were trying to shake him off your trail? It was too late though, he knew the way to your house by heart- he could find it with his eyes closed.

He could navigate the inside with his eyes closed too because:

(Y/N) Weakness #40: She doesn't lock her door when she's in a hurry.

Although you deviated from your path, you didn't seem concerned, and Akaashi was good at differentiating your emotions by now. Still, his mind raced with horrible possibilities of you knowing exactly who he was and hating him forever for what a creep he was.

His fear only increased as you walked into town and another worry cropped up. How was he supposed to follow you when there would be witnesses? It was getting later in the day, sure, but there were still plenty of people walking up and down the street and coming out of the shops.

Thankfully, you walked straight into a café and Akaashi made the decision to pretend that, he too, was just thirsty for a milkshake. He knew that's what you got whenever you went to this particular store, and he knew exactly what flavor you'd get- you were a creature of habit after all.

He was too far behind you for you to hold the door open for him, which was a shame because he knew you would. Then again, he was trying to be stealthy and anonymous, and it'd raise some real red flags in your head if you started to spot him everywhere you went.

There were only so many coincidences he could fake before you'd catch on.

He took a seat in the booth behind yours, facing the opposite direction so that he could sit closest to you and overhear whatever you said with that sweet voice of yours. The bell attached to the door jingled as a surprisingly familiar face walked in.

Your face lit up like Christmas tree lights when you spotted your best friend from your old city- the one you'd lived in before transferring to the much more successful university you and Akaashi attended together. The two of you began talking immediately, before she'd even had a chance to sit down across from you.

The chat started out generic with the 'how are you doing's and 'what have you been up to's then turned to more serious topics such as an argument you'd had with your parents and how your friend had just recently broken up with her long-term boyfriend.

Then, the topic changed to one Akaashi hadn't expected.

"I've been thinking about moving back," you admitted in a soft voice, one so quiet that Akaashi had to stop sipping the milkshake he'd ordered just to hear you, "I haven't made any friends at this college and the scholarship doesn't cover everything anyways."

"But your new uni is so much more successful than ours!" Your friend exclaimed and Akaashi silently begged her to continue convincing you to stay where you were, "And you just need to go outside your comfort zone a little bit."

"You don't understand... I'm miserable here. No one wants to be friends with the kid with clothes from thrift shops and one, non-Gucci, purse."

Your friend stifled a giggle at the purse comment, "Is everyone here really that rich?"

No. Akaashi thought desperately. I'm on scholarship here too. I'm the same as you, (Y/n). Why can't you see that? Why do you never notice me?

"It's too late anyways," you sighed, "I already put in a transfer request for next semester and it was accepted. Soooo, I guess I'm coming home."

Akaashi couldn't see you but he could tell you were grinning, especially when he heard your friend squeal with happiness and tell you that she was "so so so glad to have you back".

But Akaashi wasn't smiling.

You hummed to yourself as you packed up some of your clothing. It would be two weeks until you moved back, but it didn't hurt to prepare a little bit early by putting away clothes you weren't going to wear in that time.

A knock at the door stopped you in your tracks and you instinctively looked at your clock. 9:30 pm. Who the fuck was at your door at this hour? Maybe Mika decided to stop by despite seeing you 15 minutes ago?

You wouldn't put it past her.

You hurried down the stairs and to the door, flipping on the porch light and peeking through the peephole to see who was on your doorstep before opening it. To be honest, you were a little proud you remembered to do that, considering you sometimes just threw open your door, assuming whoever it was wasn't going to kill or rob you.

No one was there.


Suddenly, you felt a pinching sensation on the back of your neck, and arms snaked around your waist. Your scream came out as a little squeak and your felt tears blur your eyes as a sleepy sensation slowly began to overcome your senses.

Hot breath fanned against your cheek as your assailant leaned in to whisper in your ear words that would haunt you for the rest of your life.

"(Y/N) Weakness #46: She never locks her windows."

Game of the Insane (Yandere Haikyuu!! x F!Reader Oneshots)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя