View (Akaashi Keiji)

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Requested on my Quotev.

More of a drabble, sorry.

Title: View

Pairings: Akaashi Keiji x Reader

WARNINGS: Yandere themes

Summary: You're left wondering what went wrong, for you to end up this way.



a sight or prospect, typically of attractive natural scenery, that can be taken in by the eye from a particular place:

You had always been an artistic person.

You loved painting nature most of all. You couldn't go anywhere without making a remark on the scenery.

"Look at the way the trees frame the water," you'd said to your friend, Akaashi, just this morning, "Look at that view."

That was your motto. Look at that view. You were always appreciating the way things looked. You couldn't help it. That was just the artist inside you, itching to paint everything you saw.

Akaashi was artistic too, in his own way. He wasn't any good at painting, but he liked photography well enough. He was better at taking pictures of people than landscapes, but you were happy to be the subject of his photographs as long as he stayed patient with you.

There were photographs on the wooden walls that you don't remember posing for. Pictures that you know he can't have taken with your knowledge. Pictures through an open window, from far away...

The pictures from behind send shivers down your spine.

Akaashi and you were like two peas in a pod. You had the same major, the same interests, the same hobbies... you even went to the same high school.

Maybe you should have considered that fact before, when you thought about how similar you two were. He had three years to observe you without you noticing, just to turn that around and manipulate you with his information.

After all, how could you not become friends with someone who was practically your twin?

You had been heartbroken to tell him that you were moving out of Japan after college, but you'd always wanted to live in France. The two of you had visited the summer before and it had become a dream you couldn't let go of.

There were so many sights to see and paint. It was a beautiful country, and you'd been offered an apprenticeship there, so it was a no-brainer to move there, right?

He'd waited until the day you were set to leave to kidnap you. You'd already sent the "I'm at the airport" text when he got to you.

No one would question where you'd gone. You were happy in France.

And Akaashi had gotten ahold of your phone, calmly fielding any texts from relatives. You hated phone calls but now you wished anyone would call and find out you're truly gone.

Now you sat, tied and gagged, in the treehouse you'd seen in his backyard but never thought to enter.

Akaashi tilted your head to look out the paneless window. His backyard bordered on a lake, so the treehouse stood proudly above it. Outside, the sun was setting. Though you could barely see it through your tear-filled, blurry eyes, you couldn't help but find it beautiful.

Akaashi smiled at you- a gentle grin filled with both victory and adoration.

"Do you like that view?"

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