Bait (Miya Atsumu)

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Requested on my Tumblr!

My disclaimer: I'm straight so I might mess up, I'm sorry if I do!

I made Eri Miyanoshita the girl Reader likes.

I totally forgot Wattpad existed lol

Title: Bait

Pairings: Atsumu x Reader; minor Eri Miyanoshita (non-yandere)

WARNINGS: Yandere themes, lesbian reader, blackmail, swearing, Atsumu is a sleazy guy but what's new?

Summary: Is it wrong for Atsumu to use his girlfriend as bait to lure you towards him? Yeah, probably. Does he care? Not even a little.



food used to entice fish or other animals as prey.

Normally, Atsumu would have thrown Miyanoshita away by now. Actually, before now. She was kinda dragging on his reputation.

"Atsumu's been with her for almost a month now!"

"Do you think he loves her?"

"Are they in a serious relationship, then?"

The gum in Atsumu's mouth was bland, just like his "girlfriend", but he continued to chomp on it mindlessly as Miyanoshita blabbed on about something or other. The blonde setter paid her no mind, choosing instead to scan the gym for the girl he actually wanted to see.

The reason he'd stayed with Miyanoshita for so long was for one reason:

A pretty little thing that caught his attention and refused to let go of it was always near Miyanoshita.

Atsumu wasn't one to pine for a girl, but this one... this one was making him double-think a lot of things. Act in strange ways. Think strange things.

Date a girl for a month for the chance to earn a little of your attention.

She's blushing again. Atsumu blew a bubble, face betraying none of his conflicted emotions. Once upon a time, he'd thought she was blushing because of him (like most girls at the school) but, no, it was because of a different person.

Who? Miyanoshita, of course.

Yes, the reason Miya Atsumu was dating a girl was because he was trying to get the attention of a different girl. Like he was luring you in with Miyanoshita as the bait on his hook.

So far his plan wasn't working. You were just as challenging and- hey- don't get him wrong, Atsumu loves a challenge, but it was getting tiring watching you look at his girlfriend in the way he secretly wanted you to look at him.

The way you actually looked at him was... less than desirable. To put it lightly.

The fire in your cheeks died and the softness of your eyes sharpened to daggers when your attention was on him and, for some reason, it tugged painfully on his heart to see you look at him that way.

You were so... fascinating. As much as he wanted to believe it was the fact that you were a challenge- someone that's interested in his girlfriend and hates him- there was something about the loving look in your eyes that caused the green-eyed monster to grow inside of him.

Atsumu was one of the most popular guys in the school- no, scratch that, he was the most popular guy. He had been since his second year, and his fame only increased into his third.

He was handsome, talented, and popular- so why were you always glaring at him like he personally insulted your mother? He never did anything to you- not that he knew of, at least. You just disliked him for no reason, other than maybe him dating your crush.

You weren't outright aggressive, no. You waited until you thought he wasn't looking to shoot your dirty looks and disgusted glares his way. It's too bad for you that Atsumu's gotten good at seeing things in his peripheral vision. If he never caught your expressions, you'd probably never have caught his attention.

But you piqued his interest. Stoked his curiosity. Invoked his fascination.

And because of that, you were doomed to be his next plaything. If he had it his way, and he would make sure he did, you'd end up his permanently.

The bubble popped, splattering Atsumu's pouting lips with gum. His tongue gathered it up and brought the excess back into his mouth to chew. Miyanoshita looked grossed-out, but she didn't let it stop her never-ending blabbering.

Atsumu was really getting sick of this chatterbox. It wasn't so much that she was talking or even what she was talking about... it was her very existence that angered Atsumu.

Stupid pig won't stop squealing. Atsumu's teeth ground together a little in agitation. He seeked you out once again, your head sharply turning away so that you wouldn't be caught staring. Newsflash: you were so fucking obvious it would be endearing if it weren't for the fact that your crush wasn't him.

Atsumu let out a noncommittal grunt in response to some question his "girlfriend" asked him and leaned back against the bleachers behind him. What the hell do I do now?

Using Miyanoshita as bait was working. Sort of. Pretty little (Y/n) fish was circling around the bait, but he didn't account for one thing. This fishie wanted to look at the bait. Not eat it.

A fisherman had to make the fish bite down on the worm and, subsequently, the hook to catch it. Obviously, this bait, although flashy and good at attracting you, wasn't dinner-material for you. What Atsumu needed was better bait.

Suna was good with computers and all it took was some annoying to get him to help the blonde setter. Atsumu found himself privy to all of your deepest darkest secrets. You may have tried to erase your search history, but sometimes you didn't clear cookies. And there were always secret ways to trace things.

Atsumu likes when you're blushing, yeah, but you're somehow still so cute when tears are streaming down your face and your pretty little voice is begging him not to tell your family, friends- hell, the entire school- what you've been reading in your spare time.

You still give Miyanoshita looks from time to time, but your eyes are duller and you don't blush now. It's not like you could watch her when your loving boyfriend Atsumu is there to make sure your eyes don't stray.

You aren't attracted to him at all, you don't even like the guy! You want to just tell everyone what he found so you can get away from him... It's been six months and he isn't bored of you. You'd even caught him dreamily scrolling through ring options on his phone.

He's clingy as hell- calling you at every hour, texting you constantly, and throwing a tantrum if you even think about spending time with someone other than him.

Maybe... if you tell everyone everything... it'd feel awful but at least you'd get away from this psychopath. The people who truly love you would understand.

But with the way Atsumu acts, you have this lingering feeling that, if you manage to get free, he'll give up on using bait and just use a net instead.

Author's Note: I hope you enjoyed! I love comments! >3<

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