Another friend

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As promised, Lizzie bought us ice-cream the second we found a dairy, which was exactly what I needed after my little emotional moment. 

Once we got to set, i sighed contently. It was a nice familiarity, but it didn't quite hit the same as Lizzies house did. After I helped Lizzie take her things back to her trailer, I went for a wander back to Lilly and I's now shared trailer.

The light inside was on and I could hear music from inside. I peeked in and saw Lilly lying on the bed facing away from me, on tiktok. 

"Hey queen", I announced, flopping overtop of her. She jumped a bit but laughed when she realised it was me. 

"hey boo", she flung a pillow at me, unable to properly move as my body held her in place.  "Where have you been?", she asked me, raising her eyebrows. "I got here two days ago and had to entertain myself. Scarlett only got here this morning...I had to play card games with the boys".

"Oh the horror", I said dramatically. "I would say sorry but I'm really not, I had a fabulous time with Lizzie. I stayed at her place and met Robbie"

"Lucky bitch. What's he like?"
"He's a bloody chef, man can cook a really good meal"
"And here I've been living on toast for 2 days".

I smiled at her smugly and rolled off, starfishing on the floor with a sigh. 
"Ready to start work again?"

Because the producers obviously hadn't planned to lose that much footage (An incident they were still looking into), there were a lot of people arriving on set to film scenes that me and Lilly didn't necessarily have to be there for. 

"Go make friends, talk to people your own age". Lizzie encouraged me the next morning as I stayed glued to her side after I had finished my own scene. 
"People my age are boring", I said, earning myself a sharp elbow to the ribs from Lilly who had walked over to say hi.

After much convincing, Lilly and I left to talk to a girl who was sitting on the floor patiently, looking a bit out of place. 

"Hey". Me and Lils greeted as we sat down beside her. She took out her headphones that she hax in and smiled softly at us. 

"Are you in the movie?", I ask her
"Yeah, I play some ladies daughter, I only have like 1 line. Are you guys?"
"Yup, I-uh we actually, play Arabella".

When I say this her jaw drops slightly. "Wait you're Y/n Y/L/N?", I nod and she quickly composes herself. "That's so cool, who are you then?", she looks at Lilly.

"Lilly, I'm her stunt double".
The girl nods and makes an "ooh"

"I'm Dahlia by the way, seeing as I know your names".

We ended up talking to Dahlia for a quite a few hours, interrupted by Lizzie. 
"Hey girls, dinners ready", she announced and we all leapt to our feet.

Dahlia was only on set for the day, but the more Lilly and I talked to her, the more we wished she was staying longer. She had so many interesting stories, plus she always carried around little chocolates.

At night, us three were huddled around the fire in HQ when Dahlia got a text from her mum.

"Shit", she said abruptly, causing me me and Lilly to raise our eyebrows in confusion.

"Mum can't pick me up tonight, grandads in hospital", she continues and Lilly wrapped her arm around her .
"Aww I'm so sorry, you can stay with us if you want?", she offered, but Dahlia looked doubtful.

"Really? Your guys bed is quite small". She pointed out but I shook my head.

"It's okay, I can probably stay with Lizzie or Scarlett", I tell her, secretly happy that I have an excuse to stay with one of them.

"Are you sure?", Dahlia asked us and we both nodded. 

As we decided it was finally time to get some sleep we all filed out into the cold air. We got to the trailer and all shimmied inside the small area. While we waited for Dahlia to get changed I felt Lilly wrap her arms around my shoulders.

"Hey queen"
"hey boo".

I said my goodnight and practically ran to Lizzies trailer, wanting to get out of the cold. 

To my delight I heard Scarletts voice inside as well. I knock and Lizzie opens the door with a bright smile.

"Y/n!", she says happily. "I haven't seen you all day since I made you talk to that girl"

"Yeah, me and Lilly spent the day with her", I explained, giving Scarlett a hug then giving her one.

"Didn't I tell you-", she started but I cut her off.
"don't even".

"Why the surprise visit?", Scarlett asked, gesturing for me to sit beside her on the bed. 

"Dahlias staying the night and I said she could share our trailer with Lilly", I told them as I sat down beside Scarlett, who wrapped an arm around me, pulling me closer.  "So can I stay with you tonight?", I asked Lizzie with hopeful eyes.

"Of course bub you can always stay with me", she smiled and I happily bounced from Scarlett and into the bed.

It didn't take long for Scarlett to move so she was beside me again and I lifted my head onto her shoulder, wrapping an arm over her stomach. She got the message and her fingers traced little shapes on my back.

After a few minutes we hear light laughing and both look over to see Lizzie smirking over at us.

"I take it you're also staying the night then?", she asked Scarlett who didn't say anything but instead just closed her eyes.

Lizzie turned off the light and I felt the bed shift with her weight as she comes in behind me.

She was still for a moment until her arm came around my stomach and she hugged me from behind.

A warm, comforting feeling fluttered in my stomach in this precious moment, and I relaxed myself, closing my eyes contentedly

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