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We're at the beach again, but something feels...different. The wind whips the sand from the dunes on my back, each grain carrying it's own sting. 

I run to the water to get away from it, shielding my eyes. I can't see Robbie or Lizzie anywhere, they must've moved our bags somewhere else. 

Suddenly I'm knocked forward off my feet as a wave comes crashing down on top of me, the force of it holding my head under. I manage to kick up for a gasp of air before another wave knocks me under again. I don't remember going out this deep.

The water is freezing, I can feel my skin going numb. I try to stand upright to get my head out of the water and take a breath, but my feet can't find the ground. It was as if the bottom of the ocean had disappeared. It was too cold to open my eyes under the water, I kicked about desperately, feeling my lungs closing, needing air. 

The water seemed impossibly deep and suffocating, my limbs heavy as I struggled against the relentless pull of the ocean. Panic set in, and my heart pounded in my chest. I couldn't breathe. I was drowning. 

I tried to scream for help, but my lungs just filled up water. My breaths came in short gasps. My chest feels too tight and my throat is closing up and I .just.can't.breathe.


 Suddenly I can hear screaming. A loud, painful scream, I soon realise it's coming from me. My eyes open in a flash and I jump up. I'm alone in bed. The dark room around me feels like it's closing in as I sit up properly, gasping for air. 

I wipe my eyes and feel around, trying to ground myself. I reach for the lamp on the bedside table, my trembling hand fumbling for the switch. As the soft glow illuminates the empty room, I take in the familiar surroundings, trying to reassure myself that the nightmare is over. I'm safe. I'm safe. I'm safe

The door flings open and Lizzie runs in, Robbie close behind her. My face was hot with tears and I was hugging my knees at the top of the bed. 

"Y/n?!", Lizzie immediately comes to me and sits beside me. She reaches down and gently cups my face with her hands, wiping my tears with her thumbs. 

"Hey, look at me love", she says quietly and I look up, meeting her soft green eyes. "You're safe. You're with me. I got you baby". 

I nodded, feeling my shaky, uneven breaths. She sits back, shifting me so that my head is resting on her chest. I can hear her steady heartbeat which calms me with every thump. 

Robbie disappears for a moment and comes back with a glass of water and some chocolate. 
"It'll help", he claims, breaking off a bit for himself. I crack a smile and he looks pleased. 

I don't move from Lizzie and thankfully she keeps a tight hold on me, her fingers tracing comforting patterns on my back. "Breathe baby". 

Slowly, my breathing starts to return to normal and I eventually sit upright. Lizzie rubs my knee and I move my hand into hers, taking the drink from Robbie with my other hand. The cold water sends subtle shivers down my spine, reminding me of the sea.

I must've started to shake a little, as little water spatters scattered my pajamas. Robbie carefully takes the glass from me, putting it on the bedside table, and Lizzie takes my other shaking hand. 

She reaches and places my hands around her and hugs me from the front. One of her hands instinctively goes up to hold my head o her and the other held my back tightly. I stayed hugging her for a while, needing the comfort and reassurance that only she and Scarlett can bring. 

Her fingers run through my hair softly. "You're okay. It was just a dream."
"A fucking nightmare", I mumble into her, a small hint of embarrassment in my voice. I can feel her shake with soft laughs.

"Yeah", she nods. "Just a nightmare". Once I'm settled, she lets go, and I have some chocolate. I can't deny, I did feel better after it. I thanked Robbie and he said goodnight, leaving with a soft smile.

"Do you wanna talk about it?", Lizzie was sitting on the edge of the bed, watching me with a concerned look in her eyes. I shook my head, wanting to relive that experience was the last thing I needed.

She nodded understandingly and stood up. Bending over she kissed me on the forehead, tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear.

"That's alright baby, you know where I am. If you need anything, come and get me". She started to walk out. 

"Wait", I called out to her and she stopped, turning and looking at me as she walked through the doorway. 

"Stay". As I spoke she tilted her head slightly. "Please. I don't want to be alone".

Her face softened and a small smile crept on her face. She nodded for a second and walked towards me. 

"Okay love". I shuffled over and she lay down beside me. When she was tucked under the blankets as well, I cuddled into her, and felt as she protectively wrapped around me. "I'll stay". 

I nestled into the crook of her arm, finding comfort in the rise and fall of her chest.

"Thank you," I whispered, the words carrying a weight of gratitude. "For everything. Not just this"

Lizzie pressed a soft kiss to the top of my head. "I would do it all a thousand times over for you. Try to get some rest, my love".

I did get inspiration for this chapter from IrisLquinn so thank you so much love <3

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