it all started with the big bang

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I could feel my heart drop to my stomach.  They surely couldn't pull me out midway through filming, I had to sign a contract and everything. They would have to refilm all my scenes and that would take so long to do. 

I slip the note into my pocket and unlock my trailer, the thought of packing everything up to go home sent a sick wave through me.  I curled up on my bed and watched everyone walk past me through the window, all the chaos and commotion only made this place feel more alive and warm. I sat there and watched as the sun set slowly, and the room darkened. All the energy left my body as I helplessly lay there on the bed, happily being my dramatic self. 

Eventually there was a knock at the door, a million possibilities entered my mind. What if it was my parents? Or Cara coming to tell me I need to pack my bags? Maybe Lilly was coming to check on me? What if Lizzie was here to say hi? 

Except it was one of those people, I made my way to the door and nervously opened it to reveal Scarlett standing there, she smiled when she saw me, but frowned once she invited herself in. 

"It's dark and cold in here", she pointed out, but it sounded more like a question. 
"I fell asleep earlier, only just woke up", I lied, it seemed easier than admitting I was just too lazy to get out of bed. 

"Well", she started, "This place will take hours to properly heat up now, why don't you come to my trailer tonight?".

I nodded enthusiastically. Not that spending the night alone in a cold and lonely trailer didn't sound like a perfect evening, but nothing beats spending the night with Scarlett her bathroom is so much bigger, and her bed is at least double the size of mine.

"Okay, let's go". She steps outside and holds the door open for me. Then I follow her through the parked vans to where her trailer is. As we get to hers I spot Lizzies as well, the curtains are drawn but I can see light from inside shining through the gaps.  

I follow Scarlett inside and leap onto her bed immediately, taking half the blankets into the furthest corner. 

"Hot Chocolate?", Scarlett asks me, holding up the packet.
"Of course"

A few minutes later, me and Scarlett are bundled in blankets and sipping our drinks in silence. After a bit, Scarlett finally asks me the question that I know shes been waiting to ask.

"So what's going on?".

I tilt my head, pretending to be confused. 
"Come on Y/n you look sad, like somethings happened, you know you can tell me anything, I'm a great secret keeper"

For some reason that sentence seemed to snap something inside of me, and whatever walls I held up crumbled away. Tears started to fall down my face and I could no longer stop them. 

"Oh my baby it's okay", instinctively Scarletts arms wrapped around me, developing me in her motherly hug. I stopped trying to fight the tears and instead fell more into her. When I had calmed down enough I heard her ask. "What's wrong". I was still cuddled into her but I reached into my pocket and pulled out the crumpled note to hand to her. 

She read it silently, and I couldn't see her face but when she spoke her voice had a slight shake to it. "Y/n, they aren't taking you away, they can't do that I'll make sure of it".

"You can't stop it", I managed to get out, despite how much I trusted her, I couldn't help but know that Scarlett had no authority over me.

"I will", she said it so confidently I could've believed her, and at that, she held me tighter, and I felt so safe in her arms. 

"No ones hurting you, you aren't leaving, the only way for you to leave is with me right beside you, and I'm not going anywhere", I almost laughed at her determination, and I would've if the situation didn't seem so daunting.

"Thank you", I whispered, still clinging onto her. I could feel her hair brush against my cheek as she best down and kissed the top of my head. 

After that I try to spend the rest o my night forgetting about everything. Scarlett let me choose what we watch and I put on the Big Bang Theory (such a comfort show). As we watch I stay in my place lying on her chest. She has a drawer next to her bed that she opens and pulls out a bag of doritos. 

"Scarlett Johansson I've never loved you more", I say, happily munching away. She just laughs and I spot her rolling her eyes. 

An hour or two goes by and eventually, I start to fall asleep on her, the tv started to become background noise and I was slowly drifting away. Just as I was about to completely lose consciousness there was a knock at the door that pulled me out of it. I felt Scarlett stiffen up behind me. I noticed as she quickly checked her phone and I read that the time was 11.47pm.

"It's a bit late", I whispered to her, my drowsiness had dissipated. She didn't say anything, only nodded back. there was another knock and I grabbed Scarletts hand, who squeezed mine back.

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