Movie Night

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Considering I wasn't needed for filming for the rest of the day, when Lilly and I get back to her trailer I spent most of the afternoon there. I grabbed the box of chocolates that were sitting on her dresser and helped myself.

"You know Lils, I don't think I'm prepared to start filming with big actors like Lizzie and Scarlett" I inform her, she peers over the hoodie she was putting on to respond

"On the bright side, this movie is gonna break the internet", she smiles, slipping the hoodie over her head and holding out her hand. I toss her a chocolate and keep talking

"I'm just saying, I think tha- Is that MY hoodie?". Lilly just stuck her tongue out and flopped on the bed beside me.

We spent the afternoon playing scrabble and blasting music through the trailer. We were on our third game and so far we had won one each, this was the tiebreaker.

We got to the final tiles and Lilly finished the game with the word 'explicit', taking the win

"AHAHA VICTORY IS MINE". She jumps up from the small table and does her little victory dance, I take that as my cue to toss one of her pillows at her. She catches it and flashes me a mocking smile.

"Good game" I laughed, accepting defeat. She came and sat beside me, kicking her legs over mine.

"Are you really leaving tomorrow?" she asked me, with a note of disappointment in her voice.
"Yeah, it's not permanent, though, just so that I can see my family and grab more clothes"
"Oh ok, you best be coming back soon, you're like the only person our age on this entire set, how are your family anyway?"
"I don't really know, they haven't messaged me for the past few days" I tell her.

I don't know why they haven't kept in touch, I've messaged them a few times but they haven't replied, I know they're usually busy, but you'd think they'd have time to check on their own daughter. I love being on set, but I miss my own bed, and I don't even know if they've missed me while I've been away.

"I'm gonna miss having you around Y/n" Lilly comfortingly rubs my arm, as if reading my mind.

After much discussion, we decide to watch Avengers: Endgame. Lilly started turning the bed into a cozy little nest.

                                        photo reference because I don't know how to describe it

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                                        photo reference because I don't know how to describe it

While Lilly was setting up, I decided to sprint off to headquarters to grab some snacks. I grabbed one of Lilly's sweatshirts and headed out into the now pouring rain. 

I bolt around the trailers, trying not to skid in the mud in my rush to get across to HQ. The cold raindrops drenched me and the wind was like an ice pack had been slapped across my face. 

When I spot the warm, inviting glow of headquarters, I release a breath of relief and I speed up even more to get to the door.

As soon as I step through the door, a wave of warm air rushes through me, heating my bones. I direct my way to the kitchen and open up the huge pantry. I stuff my arms with bags of popcorn, chips, and pretty much any good snacking food. After I kick the door closed, I turn around and spot a familiar green eyed blonde smiling at me. 

A warm glow rises to my cheeks as I make eye contact with Scarlett Johansson. She comes over to me, and when she sees my haul a light chuckle escapes her lips.

"Hungry?", She questions, an amused look in her eyes. I nervously laugh, desperate to not embarrass myself any further. 

"I'm having a movie night with Lilly", I explain to her, nodding my head to my arms that were bursting with colourful food packets. 
"Oh that sounds fun, let me grab you some bags". 

She finds her way around the kitchen to where there was a bag, full of smaller reusable bags. She brought them back and helped me squeeze all the food into four and a half of them. When we finished, she took out a block of chocolate from the back of the cupboard and tossed it into the bag with chips. 

"Can't forget the chocolate", she pointed out.
"Oh smart" I find myself shifting my weight from foot to foot and mentally force myself to stop.

"So Cara told me this is your first movie, how's it going so far?", Scarlett asks me, grabbing a box of Sprite cans from the fridge and putting it in a bag. 

"It's going good, a bit intimidating, but it's still fun"
"I saw a clip from yesterday, you're really talented", she compliments me, resting a hand on my shoulder. 

A sense of pride wells in me, created by the fact that THE Scarlett Johansson thinks I'm a talented actress. I thank her and she beamed at me. 

We both looked over to the large pile of bags sitting on the floor.
"I'll help you carry these out", Scarlett offered, gathering a few of them.
"You really don't have to"
"No it's fine, I was heading back to my trailer anyway".

We stumble out of the door, both weighed down by the heavy bags, and are forced out into the unforgiving rain. 

I look over to Scarlett, whose already soaked, and she leans in to tell me something over the shrieking wind.
"RUN", she hollers, and I lead the way, desperately trying to weave my way through the trailers without falling on my face. 

We make it to Lillys trailer and I push the door, tossing the bags on the bed and then helping Scarlett empty her arms. 

"That's a lot of food Y/n", Lilly turns to us and her eyes widen when she sees Scarlett.

They each greet each other and then Lilly turns to me.
"I've got Endgame on DVD so we can watch it on the disc player" she informs me. I shoot her a glare to remind her that Scarlett was in that movie, but she misses the memo.

"Ooh Endgame, that was a fun movie to film, I loved the outcome" Scarlett tells us with a breathy laugh. Lilly seems to realize what was going on and she looked at me with a regretful look on her face. 'Sorry ', she mouthed to me.

Lilly pushed play and started to unpack the food, while Scarlett sat down on the bed, watching the screen. After five or so minutes she got up and apologised for staying so long. 

"I'll head off to my trailer now and get out of your hair, enjoy your movie night", she exclaimed, squeezing my arm. 

Before I had time to think what i was doing I blurted out, "You can stay and watch it with us if you want" I offer, she hesitates and her eyes glaze over in thought.

After a few seconds she asks us "would I be able to Invite Lizzie?". 

"YES" Lilly practically bursts with excitement. Scarlett chuckles and she whips out her phone to message Elizabeth. After a minute she puts down her phone and grins at us.

"She's in".

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