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The next week we spent hard at work, refilming everything. We were getting it done faster than the first time, probably because we had all had practice doing these ones before. 

After I had been there for a few days Cara had called a team meeting in HQ and Lilly and I got there early.

"Hey everyone", Cara announced once everyone she had invited over had arrived. "You're all doing amazing this week, a lot of you will be going home before you know it".

I sighed at that, giving Lilly an exasperated look and feeling a hand on my shoulder. I turn around and see Lizzie and Scarlett standing behind us. 

"It's such a shame so much footage was lost, we're so sorry, we had no luck finding out how that happened", Cara continued and I heard light snickers behind me.

Looking over I see Elizabeth and Scarlett giving each other a look that I can't quite place, but they look quite smug. I shrug it off and turn back around to hear the orders of scenes being shot over the next few days. 

As of now, Lilly and I were due back home by next Monday, which was three days away. 

Later that night, as the sun dipped below the horizon and painted the sky in hues of orange and pink,  Lizzie invited me for a walk along the beach. The sand felt cold beneath my feet, as I had decided it would be pointless to wear shoes.

"Are you doing okay?", Lizzie asked me as we walked, I shrugged.

"Well that was the most unconvincing 'yeah' I've ever heard in my life. Try again", she said with a laugh, causing me to smile. 
"I'll be right", I said again, and walked closer to the water, so that the tiny waves would sometimes wash over my ankles. 

"These are the moments I'm loving", I explain after Lizzie stopped me in my tracks to get me to keep talking. "And I don't want to go home. The woman I call mother and the male I call father have changed so much. These moments don't exist there".

Lizzie, always the comforting presence, wrapped an arm around my shoulders. "Sweetheart, nothing lasts forever. But the impact those moments have on you, that's what stays."

As we walked in a somber silence, the realization fully hit me: I would soon be returning to my parents, my mundane, almost hellish life awaiting me. In that moment I could've run out into the ocean and sat down in the icy water, letting the waves crash over my head until I didn't know my own name. 

But I didn't. Instead, I stayed beside Lizzie, who kept her arm around me. At some point we turned around and started walking back the way we came, which was good because my feet were starting to hurt from stepping on the sharp sticks and seaweed that poked out of the sand. 

When we finally did arrive back at the grounds, it was pitch black and I was ready for bed. Lizzie walked me to my trailer and kissed me on the forehead, saying goodnight. 

I went in and Lilly was curled up in bed with a hot chocolate, watching a show and making what looked like a friendship bracelet. 

"Hey boo", she smiled as I got into bed beside her, burying myself under the blankets. 
"Hey queen", I mumbled tiredly. 

I peeked my head out and she showed me the ocean waves design she had started. The talent this girl has i swear. 

I told her how groovy it looked and she pulled out another one the exact same that she had made beforehand, instucting me to hold out my arm. 

I did so and she tied it to my wrist, saying once we finished we could be matching. The tiredness slowly left me as I got invested in the show she was watching. "How to get away with murder" (NO SPOILERS I'M LOVING IT

"Theres no way it was the professor", Lilly and I were arguing after one episode ended on a huge plot twist. 
"Girl you can't seriously be telling me you think it was Rebecca", I raised my eyebrows and she rolled her eyes. 

"Just because you're simping over her". 

I smiled but didn't deny or confirm anything. "Shush".

I didn't end up sleeping, even though I told Lizzie I was going to try and have an early night. In my defense there are six seasons of that show we had to at least finish season one. 

Short chapter because I have to publish something its been agessss hey humans

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