Unforgiving weather

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Scarlett got up to help Lilly finish unpacking the food, and I was about to get up when Scarlett's phone started ringing. I looked over at it to see who was calling. 

"It's Lizzie" I noted holding the phone out to Scarlett. 
"Can you answer?", she indicated to her hands that were full with snacks. 

I answer the phone, put it on speaker, and can feel myself start to get a bit nervous that I was about to talk to Eliabeth Olsen again. 

"Hello? It's Y/n" I spoke into the phone, trying to keep my voice at a steady pitch. 
"Oh hi Y/n!", Her bright voice over the line set off the butterfly's in my stomach. "I was just wondering if Scarlett could help me bring over some stuff from HQ to my trailer?". 

I looked over to Scarlett, who whispered to me, "Can you go help her?"

"She is currently setting up snacks, but I can come and help if you want?" I offer, speaking into the phone and looking over to Scarlett for confirmation. She nods to me and turns back to what she was doing.
"Only if you're not busy, I'm on set 4", she tells me
"On my way". 

I hang up the phone and process the fact that I just had a conversation with Elizabeth Olsen. If you had told me a month ago that I would be watching a movie with two of my favourite actresses, I would have laughed in your face.

Lilly paused the movie for me, and I rush outside discovering that it's still pelting down with rain. The cold droplets run own my face and as much as I love rain, I decide to run to the set. I get to the big doors as find Elizabeth standing just inside. 

"Hi hun, thank you so much for this".
My stomach did a triple flip at the 'hun', but I smiled brightly at her.

"Of course, anytime".

We left the set and headed for HQ. The rain hadn't lessened and was still pelting down. Lizzie gestured for me to take the lead so I went in front. Our quick walk soon turned into a run, as we were both desperate for shelter. 

As bleak as the situation was, I couldn't stop the joyous feeling spreading through me. That feeling didn't last long though. 

I was too distracted thinking about the whole situation, and wasn't focussing on where I was stepping. 

My foot made contact with a streak of mud, and I lost my balance. I let out a yelp and desperately threw my arms behind me in hopes to save myself, but it was too late.

What made the situation even worse was the fact that I had fallen forwards, and my arms had failed me. 

Lizzie immediately came to my rescue and offered me a hand up. After I assured her I was okay, she was overcome with laughter. Her laughter was so contagious that, despite the fact that I was cold and now covered in mud, I found myself laughing alongside her. 

"Come on lets get you inside", She wheezed in between laughs. She kept her hand looped in mine, and I let her lead me. The bright glow of HQ had never looked so inviting, and the second we stepped through the door, the comforting rush of warm air was enough to heat my bones. 

Lizzie turned around to look at me and her face said it all. She looked like she was debating whether she should laugh, or give me a hug. 

She chose the latter, and pulled me into a tight embrace. I could feel her shaky laughter through the hug, and a large smile appeared on my face. 

"You're covered head to toe in mud" She tells me, yet again trying to contain her laughter. I looked at the mirror by the lounge and snorted at the sight of myself. This set off Lizzie and she bent over in laughter. 

There was hardly a part of me that wasn't brown with mud, I looked like I had just crawled out of a swamp.

Once we had composed ourselves enough. We decided to face the unforgiving weather again, this time with Lizzies stuff. 

There was a large pile of bags lying by the door, of which I grabbed half of, and Lizzie grabbed the other half. We bustled through the trailers, and I yet again, let her lead the way, she unlocked the trailer and dumped the bags on her bed, then took the ones I had carried out of my arms and tossed them on the bed as well.

She opened her closet and took out some pants,a t-shirt, and a hoodie.
"You can use my shower", she mentioned, chucking them over to me. 

I thank her and had never felt so grateful for the luxury of a shower. The clothes were definitely oversized, but they did the job, and the smell of Lizzie's perfume surrounded me. I took a second to fully appreciate where I was, before going into the section of the trailer where Lizzie was.

At the sight of me practically swimming in her clothes, a smile crossed her face. She thanked me again for helping bring in her bags, and I insisted it was ok. While she went into the bathroom to get changed into more comfortable clothes, I waited for her on her bed.

Me, being the nosy person I was, admired all the photos that were carefully placed around the trailer. There were plenty of her and the different people she's worked with. I found a brilliant one of her and Scarlett at a bar, and there one of her with some guy.

I picked it up to try and work out who it was, and didn't notice her walking up behind me. 

"That's Robbie, my fiance". I jumped about a metre into the air, and spun around. Lizzie let out a small laugh. "Sorry", she apologised, still laughing.

It took me a few seconds to regain my composure, "How long have you two been together?", I ask, following her laughter.
"About two years now".

I can see in her eyes that she cares about this guy. They twinkled that little bit more when she looked at the photo. 

I observed the rest of her trailer. There were fairy lights hung up and it had a very cozy atmosphere. 

"This looks so cool", I compliment. She looks away from the photo to make eye contact with me and she beams with pride. 

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