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Lizzie gathered anything she thought she'd need for the movie and let me lead the way. 

This time I took time to focus on where I was walking, and be careful where I was stepping. Lizzie also kept close behind me just in case.

We got to Lilly's trailer with almost no issues or slip-ups. I let myself in and both Scarlett and Lilly noticed my change of clothes.

"Long story" I laughed at their confused faces. 
"One that involves mud" Lizzie finished, shooting me a knowing grin, and I smirked back.

I looked to the bed and saw a collection of assorted snacks, all laid out.

"Woah this looks amazing", I compliment the two and Scarlett answers first.
"Thanks, you two took your time, so we had to start eating". After she mentioned that, I noticed many of the packets were opened. 

We all get into the big bed. Lilly took the far side, near the window, and I went beside her. Scarlett climbed in next to me, and Lizzie was on the other side. It took a while to get ready and comfortable, but eventually we were all settled with our hot chocolates, and could finally watch 'Endgame'.

Even though I had seen the movie at least five times already, Lilly and I still got invested. Scarlett and Lizzie were laughing, and reminiscing the memories of when they made the movie. 

Lilly and I were entertained by the 'behind-the-scenes' stories that they told us, and howthey filmed different action scenes. 

Eventually the unavoidable scene came on the screen. Clint and Natasha on Vormir. I knew what to expect, but it would still hit hard. 

As soon as Red Skull started talking, I scowled. Clint and Natahsa began fighting to be the one who was going to jump and I noticed my heart rate increased. 

When Clint had to let go and Natasha died, I felt a silent stream of tears run down my face. I kept quiet, hoping they would go unseen and unnoticed, but Scarlett looked over and saw me. How embarrassing. 

She pulled me into a side hug with a breath of laughter, and I must admit, having the actual Black Widow with me, makes her death a bit more bearable. 

"That one was a particularly hard scene to film", she rubs my back comfortingly. I relax a little into her and peer over at Lilly. 

She's completely passed out. Her little snores caused me to smile at her sleeping figure, completely unaffected by the scene we just witnessed.

The rest of the movie I drifted in and out of consciousness, until my eyelids got too heavy and I completely fell asleep, still curled into Scarlett's side. 

I was shaken awake by the feeling of the bed shifting beneath me. Two arms held my head up and placed me back onto a pillow. The bed rose with the weight of people getting off of it.

I heard hushed whispering, but my brain was still too cloudy from sleep to understand what was being said. I faintly felt the food packets being picked up off of the bed, and the crinkling of them being forced into the bin.

I noticed someone pulling up the blankets, and tucking them around me. The trailer door was opened, and closed soon after. Footsteps rushed behind the caravan, and got quieter and quieter, until it was silent.

It was then I forced my eyes open. The movie was over and the TV had been turned off. The trailer was spotless and someone had flicked off the lights.

I sighed to myself contently, and couldn't help feeling simply happy. 

I soon drifted back to sleep, cuddled in Lizzie's clothes, and comforted by the light snoring of Lilly.

(A.N: Heres a small comfort chapter because I'm tired but still wanted to post it ❤️)

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