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A/N: My finger hurts

As the final bell rang I sprinted to the bus to get a good seat near the front. I plugged in my headphones and put the bags beside me so no one would sit there. 

Lizzie would've dropped me off if she had the chance but she had a premier for some other movie tomorrow and had to organize a bunch of stuff for it.

The bus filled up quickly and as the last people were piling on i heard a voice through my music. 

"Excuse me?", I take out my headphones and see a familiar girl standing there looking kind of awkward. "Can I sit here?", she asked and I nodded, moving the bags to my feet. 

"The famous people are sitting together", I hear the girl behind me sigh and that's when it clicks. 

"Malina Weissman?" I ask her and she looked kind of uncomfortable. "From a Series Of Unfortunate Events? Girl I love you", I smiled and she immediately relaxed. 

"Yeah, hi, and who are you?"
"Y/n Y/ln", I said and a look of recognition crossed her face. 

"Are you filming a movie with Chris Evans at the moment?", she asked excitedly and I nodded. "That's so cool! You have to introduce me sometime".
"Only if you introduce me to Cobie Smulders", I reply and we shake hands. 


We get to my stop much sooner than I would've liked, and Malina gives me her number to keep in touch. As it turned out she was new to the school and didn't really know anyone, this worked for me because I've been to that school for ages and I hate almost everyone. 

I said goodbye and got off the bus, getting inside and heading straight to my room. 

"Y/n?", my mothers voice travels up the stairs. "How was Lillys?", she comes in, smiling. 

"It was really fun", I tell her, unpacking my bags. "I had a great time".
"Thats good love", she pulls me into an awkward side hug. "When your finished unpacking theres a fresh pile of washing on the couch I'd appreciate it if you could fold it".]

I nod silently and she leaves. As I shut the door behind her I sighed and picked up my phone, seeing a message from Lizzie. 

work mother

Hey babe
How was school?
Hows home?

school was average
home is average
I was social and made a friend on the bus

go you being social
but i'm sorry about the other stuff baby
I'll see you soon

I gotta do the washing
talk later?

I'll be waiting
we can call if you want

I smiled at her text and dropped my phone in my pocket. I did the washing and went back to my room, calling Lizzie. 

She picked up on the first ring and her face appeared on my screen. 
"Hey love", she smiled, waving through the screen and I waved back, resting my phone on a pile of books on my dresser. 

"Hey lizbear".
We talked for hours and I eventually fell asleep on call, fairly certain she did too. 


The alarm rang, the sound going through my head. I turned it off and saw that the call was still going. I smiled as I heard Lizzies heavy breathing on the other end, still fast asleep. I leave my phone on charge and get up, having a shower and getting ready for school. 

I was putting my hair in a ponytail when I heard a groggy voice from the corner of my room. 


I walked over to my phone and smiled at a yawning Elizabeth Olsen. 
"Morning", I smirked and she rested her head back on the pillow. 
"You ready for school?", she mumbled. 

"Got a lunch packed?", she asked and I stayed silent, I really couldn't be assed.

"Anyways I should really get going", I rushed and caught her rolling her eyes. 
"Have fun babe, love you". 
"Love you too".

I hung up and unplugged my phone, grabbing my bag and headed out the door. I was leaving extra early today so that I could walk to the earlier bus stop to get a better seat. The cold was biting at my fingers so I was glad to be on the bus. I got a spot in the seat with the floor heater behind me so my feet were warmed up. 

About five stops in I saw a familiar face get on. 
"Malina", I wave her over and move my bag over so she can sit next to me. 

"Why are the people on this bus so mean", she rolls her eyes as a peanut butter sandwich went flying over our heads. 

I had no classes with her because she was in the year above me, but we agreed to meet up at lunch time. 

When we arrived at school I walked to History class alone, and was oh so grateful to see Lilly waiting for me, with two hot chocolates in her hand. 

"You are the love of my life", I breathe happily as she hands me one. 
"I know"
"How was Toms house?"
"He kicked my ass in Mario Cart", she admitted and I scoffed. 

"Thats kind of embarrassing Lils, he sucks", I laugh, causing her to shake her head.
"I bought you a hot chocolate, you're supposed to be on my side".

The teacher lets us in and we sat down as he started talking about the conscientious objectors. We both zoned out and started doing buzzfeed quizzes for the entire period. The cycle continued in every class till lunch, where I said goodbye to Lilly and went to meet up with Malina. 

She was just getting out of her study period and when she saw me her face lit up and she gave me a huge smile. 

"I'm so over the day", she sighed as she pulled me in for a hug.
"Only one period left" I shrugged and she nodded.
"That emergency assembly ay?" She asks and I tilt my head in confusion.

"you know that car crash that happened last period behind the school? Some famous TV stars or something on the way to a premier", she started to explain, and as she spoke I could feel my heart plummet to my stomach and suddenly felt dizzy. 

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