Chapter 29- The Highest Point

Start from the beginning

"If you truly think I'm jealous of you then maybe you should put all that money of yours into therapy instead of designer brands?" She speaks so eloquently, throwing insults at me that had me racking my brain to find something better to respond with.

"I believe in women supporting women, so I'm quite disappointed to see that my belief may not stand with women of higher class like you, or perhaps you are the only problem? Nevertheless, I have no business with you; It's your husband that assaulted me, so he is the one whom I'll be dealing with. Also, as to why I posted that video online instead of-"

"-Don't you dare treat me like a street rat when it's your parents that abandoned you. My family have, and will always have my back-"

"-I'm not done talking, Mrs De Santis. Please, let me finish my sentence before you go jumping onto your conclusions..." I growled, clenching my fists so tight that my hands went numb, but unaware of my anger, or rather, uncaring of it, she smirked at me before continuing to do as she pleased.

And no one even tried to see my side of the story. Even the very cameras that were pointed at us, recording these moments seemed to be watching in her favour.

"As I was saying... I took the video to the internet instead of the police due to a similar incident that took place in the past. Do you recall? The one where you paid those people of the government off to ignore me and then moments later you started beating me up? Why then, do you think I would risk that happening again?"

"You're scared? That's pathetic." I scoffed, crossing my arms and rolling my eyes. 

She chuckled at my response, covering her mouth as she did, her eyes telling me that she knew I'd react like that, and feeling the smirk slip off my lips, I had to wonder; Just how much did this woman predict? How much has she been studying me to calculate my moves and then weave it into her plan of ruining me?

Maybe I did underestimate her. But ultimately, it didn't matter. Money is power in this world, and I had more money than she could dream of. It's the biggest weapon in this day and age, and I wasn't afraid to use it. Especially if it was against her.

"Yes, I'm scared. But is that really pathetic? Humans rely on Humans, that's how we've come so far in life. So, if one group of Humans disappoints me, in this case, the police; Then it only makes sense for me to look to another group to help me out, like the internet, right?" I see now. As late as it was, I understood.

She was using this very moment to gain the upper hand on me. I may have had more money than her, but she's not interested in money. Instead, she's trying to win the favour of the people, and unfortunately, I may have realised all too late that she's succeeding.

This crafty little bitch. She's creative, I'll give her that.

"That makes sense then on why she didn't go to the police; Money really can buy anything."

"I guess she's not just doing it for fame then."

The people had already started their whispering, and I could already envision all the news articles that would be turning in her favour. But little did she know that none of it mattered to me; Even with the people on her side, if I buy the reporters silence then I'll have an easy win.

She picked a fight with the wrong woman, I'll have to show her that.

"You seem to keep forgetting who you're talking to. Let me remind you." And with the anger spilling forward, I acted without thinking. Jumping forward, she didn't even try dodging me as if she knew that she'd never be able to get away anyways, and my hands reached out, grabbing her neck as I pushed us to the ground.

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