Chapter 22- That Jealous Feeling

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--Leandro POV--

"You're going there yourself?" My secretary, Raymond, asked as he stood back, watching me put the police outfit that I had one of my men get for me on.

"Yes, why give someone else a job that I myself am more than capable of completing?" I shrugged, fixing the tie as I looked over my appearance, satisfied.

"How do I look?" I smirked, turning away from the reflection to look at him.

"Like a police officer." He sighed, too used to my antics by now to say anything against it, and laughing at him, I patted his shoulder as I walked past him, leaving my room as we walked down the halls of the house, heading out to the main entrance where the car was waiting for me.

"Boss, I still don't think this is a good idea. Anyone else could do this job, why are you going?" Alessia asked, lying in wait with her protest at the entrance of my home. For a woman whose only job was to help me find the culprit to my father's murder, she's got an awful lot of opinions about how I'm executing the job.

"If anyone else can do it then why do you have a problem if it's me? Last I checked, I was the head of this family, meaning I should always be the one protecting the rest of you." Not that this was a job that had anything to do with protection. It was a swift and simple infiltration mission, and today was the best day to execute it.

Both the De Santis and Ajello families were too busy partying at the new hotel, leaving the De Santis Hotel practically deserted which gave me the perfect opportunity to slip in, take what I need, and leave without anyone noticing. And the police getup was all to help with that, of course.

"That's not my point!" She exclaimed, exasperated.

"Then tell me what the point is when I get back, yeah?" Ruffling her hair, I sidestepped her, slipping into the car as the door was quickly shut behind me.

"Boss!" She yelled after me as I sat back in my seat, looking through the rearview mirror as she continued to shout after me, Raymond stood beside her as he politely waved me off.

The car ride wasn't exceptionally long as I spent the time trying and failing to play games on my phone, giving up within a few minutes as I watched a TV show instead.

"We've arrived, sir."

"Great. This shouldn't take too long, so you can just wait around the corner." And kicking the door closed behind me, I put on my best professional act, going to approach the bodyguard that stood at the entrance, much smaller than me so intimidation wasn't too difficult.

"Can I help you, senor?" He asked.

"I'm with the police-" I showed him the fake badge, but not long enough for him to be able to notice that it was a fake as I quickly put it away again, continuing with my story.

"-We've received a tip that states this company's been illegally planting hidden cameras in its hotel rooms, and I'm here to check up on that." It was a lie that held some truth, the only thing that made it a lie was that there was no conclusive evidence. But I'm not a hero so I couldn't care less about this information, I'm here to hack into their security cameras, and that's all I'm here to do today. The real police can handle the rest.

"What? Um- Of course, what do you need?" He asked, stepping aside as I entered the building.

"Take me to the security room. I'll look through the footage myself."

"Alright... But, um... Isn't this kind of work done by other people?" Yes, but he didn't need to know that. I specifically chose this time to infiltrate because the security guard is someone I could easily knock out as well as most of the security team, and if matters don't need to go that far, then they'll simply let me be because it's the evening, and they're all too tired.

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