Chapter 7- Half a Truth

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--Maria POV--

"Dr Caravella?"


Clearly, I wasn't the only one taken by surprise with his sudden entrance. What was he even doing here in this apartment complex? With how much money he's earning, he should be able to afford a better place in a better area. Not that there was anything wrong with this place, I decided to move here because it was close to the hospital, and the size didn't matter since I've always liked smaller places anyway.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, eyes scanning over all the boxes that littered the hallway.

"I'm... moving here. My lease at my other apartment ended." Well, I surmised as much, but that wasn't what I wanted to hear. And after a moment of belated silence, he added on to his words. "My sister owns this complex; She's giving me a family discount but it's basically free so I'm saving a lot of money, and it's also located closer to the hospital."

"Oh." I hummed, nodding along. "Well, welcome. I guess..." Not knowing what else I could say to that, I turned to head back into my house, but paused as he called out for me.

"Yes?" I asked, cocking my head to the side.

"... I overheard that friend of yours talking to some nurses about how I treat you badly at work." I'm guessing that friend was none other than Lev. "You have been looking a lot more tired recently, and I've been thinking that maybe I've been pushing you too hard... But I see potential in you, Dr Saxena, that's why I push you. I don't hate you." If there was anything I had expected him to say, that was not it. But I made sure to respond with the same truth that he put into those words.

"You are my boss, and I'm your student. As long as I am able to learn about medicine from you then I don't care about any personal feelings, like whether you like me or not because I will still respect you... But, thank you for your words, Dr Caravella. I'm glad to know that you believe in my strengths," I couldn't help but smile as I spoke, it's good to know that all those all-nighters and studying sessions have gone to use. 

But my unwarranted smile seemed to take him by surprise as I caught him blinking, going to awkwardly itch the back of his neck as he wondered what to say.

And I can't blame him, I don't smile much anymore to anyone other than my closest friends and family from the orphanage. I've heard some profound rumours sweeping through the hospital about how I am physically unable to smile, but I never thought to correct them, why would I? They may as well have been the truth.

"I'll see you at work, Dr Caravella."

"Wait, Maria." He called out once again as I turned to look at him.

"Just call me Daniel outside of work." What did that mean? There would be times when I have to see him outside of work? And even talk to him? Is that a good or a bad thing?

"Oh. Okay," Nevertheless, I nodded, trying to keep my composure as I bid my farewell, turning to walk into my home, and this time with no distractions. Closing the door behind me, I headed inside to the open living room, falling onto the sofa with a quiet, tired groan.

To add to everything that was already on my plate, now I live next-door to my boss. Of all people, and at all times, why now? and why him?

If anyone from the hospital finds out, then I'll be doomed. Dr Daniel Caravella was famous amongst all the workers and patients at the hospital for how much of a genius he was, he'd skipped over a few grades and was the youngest attending at the hospital, there were even rumours that stated the chairman planned to make him the next boss. But his genius wasn't all he was famous for as he was also handsome, the object of desire for many women.

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