Chapter 12- Let the Game Begin

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--Maria POV--

The adrenaline rush that this situation was giving me was euphoric. Her disgruntled self, anger simmering as she barely managed to keep her cool. I almost burst into tears of joy, threatening to laugh as I worked to keep my trembling lips from breaking out into a full-fledged grin.

A pretty, innocent, and helpless girl. That's what everyone only ever saw me as. And while there was a time when those words were true, this very moment contradicted those times.

Taking a step back, I chuckled as though I'd said a small joke, but her reaction said otherwise. Hands fisting the material of her dress, she glared at me as though I'd just murdered her whole family, but I held the upper hand in this situation. Why? Because no one remembers as clear as I did just how bad of a bully Giana was, and still is.

Back then, there was no concrete evidence of her bullying to be able to expose her now, so it was child's play for her to be able to create a pristine and crystal-clear reputation for herself once she graduated high school. 

She, however, had made one fatal mistake that would end up leading to her demise. The victim that was me and my revenge.

"Are you mental, Maria? Insanity must have finally found you because what nonsense are you spouting!?" I only continued to laugh, shrugging my shoulders as she continued to grow more infuriated. Fight her anger with a smile and it will only lead to more anger, a lesson I learnt well and was taking full advantage of.

"Let's calm down, why don't we? Giana Ajello." Leandro decided to step in, taking my hand in his as he spared me a smile before going to gift Giana with his fake one.

"And who the hell are you?" She spat.

"Her supposed boyfriend. But I call bullshit." Narciso mumbled from behind his wife.

"Oh, I see now. This sudden confidence boost of yours finally makes sense. You get yourself a man, and all of a sudden, you think you're at the top of the world, but for how long do you think you'll stay there, Maria? You're always going to be below me." I felt his hold on my hand tighten, but his face gave nothing away.

"First it's about who we are, and now it's about where we stand? What is it with this couple and status? Does it mean that much to you?"

"You must not be worth much if you're thinking that. Listen here, handsome man, status is everything in this world, someone like you that has nothing won't understand."

"At the very least, I think I have more than you, muttering brat." He accidentally let his disdain for her slip through, rolling his eyes as though she were a child.

"E-Excuse me? What did you just call me?" And clearly, she noticed.

"A muttering brat. You act like a spoilt five-year-old that needs to pay people to be her friends, isn't it embarrassing to be you?" He was copying my words from the time at the hospital... I had to stifle a laugh at that, wondering if he did it intentionally or not.

"What!? Who the hell do you think you are to treat me like this!? Do you know who I am!?" The classic words that every spoilt rich kid has to use at least a dozen times in their life, did they never get bored of it?

"Does it matter?" Leandro sighed, itching the back of his neck.

"I'm Giana Ajello, my parents own several resorts across the world, what is that compared to you! You probably bought your clothes from the department store that my papa invests in!" Now, she was speaking nonsense, letting her uncontrolled anger speak for her.

"I thought we were talking about who you are? Why then are you telling me what your parents do for a living? Is that who you are? Your parents?" Leandro sighed, massaging the bridge of his nose as he spoke to her.

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