Chapter 2- Soft but Prickly

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--Maria POV--

Mustering up my courage, I stepped towards the man whose face was marred with an angry scowl, the expression alone doing more than enough to keep wandering eyes and curious bystanders away.

"What are you all looking at? Never seen an injured man bleeding to death before?" And the said bystanders hurried up in walking away, moving their eyes to look at the cobbled ground.

"Not in the middle of a street in broad daylight, I don't think." I spoke, my voice easily reaching his ears as his gaze shifted to focus on me, the firm anger not budging, but rather, hardening as he noticed my nearby presence.

"And who the hell are you, pretty lady?" He scoffed, not even attempting to hide his curious gaze as it ran up and down my body before stopping on my eyes where it stayed, patiently waiting for a reply. And an amused smile almost slipped onto my face; Despite how angry or in physical pain he was right now, he was a patient man that never lost his cool.

"I'm nobody of any importance, but I am a doctor. And you know how we doctors are, we can't leave an injured man alone on the side of the road, so I'm here to help." I spoke with a fake kindness as I stepped forward, but halted as he scoffed, rolling his eyes in boredom.

"I don't want your help, so please, feel free to continue with your day like the rest of these pedestrians. I'd appreciate it if I could be left alone in my bleeding." His voice laced in sarcasm, his eyes met mine in a warning glare, daring me to say something more.

But as a woman that's always used to losing, I didn't shy away from his threat.

"Are you afraid of dying?" My head cocked itself to the side as I asked curiously.

"...What?" He spat, not having expected the sudden question.

"I'm simply curious, that's why I'm asking. Because not being afraid of death is the only conclusion that I can come to that makes sense on why you would say no to receiving help from a professional." I crossed my arms, waiting for his response.

He was stunned into silence for an elongated moment, staring at me with widened eyes as if I were an unusual species, but eventually, his facial muscles relaxed as he sighed a long and deep sigh, one where I almost saw the breath parting past his lips. And picking his head up, he stood up straight, the fact suddenly hitting me that all this time I hadn't been speaking to him while he stood at full height. But now, it's suddenly dawned on me that he was taller than I originally thought. Taller, and more intimidating.

"Why are you so desperate to help me?" He asked with a genuine curiosity that I could only reply to with the full truth. But the fact is, I myself didn't know what the full truth was.

Why was I working so hard to help someone who didn't even want my help?

No. I knew what the answer was. I just didn't want to admit it.

"Because... I know what it's like to be injured and left alone, ignored by people who pretend you're invisible... That's why, I've learnt to tend to my own wounds rather than relying on others for help, that's my strength. And I see myself when I see someone hurt. And I help that person as I see myself." The scared shadow of my past self loomed over me as I spoke those truthful words, but as always, I ignored it. I am living my life to get revenge for that scared version of myself, and hopefully, once that revenge is pulled through, this shadow can find the light and leave me in peace.

"Although, I'm aware that you and I are two different people; Your story is not the same as mine, but if you are still unwilling to accept my help then there's nothing that I can do about it." He didn't say anything as I took a step back, conceding that he was the winner of this fight, not a surprising end point to this verbal scuffle.

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