Chapter 15- A Letter to You

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--Maria POV--

In all the time that I've been working at this hospital, I have made sure to remain the perfect employee. Not taking any days off, always on time, making as few mistakes as possible, and even covering for other people when they couldn't make their shift. I've remained steadfast, with a pristine reputation.

And today, that's all changed because of one conversation with one man.

For the first time ever, I was late.

As soon as I entered the hospital, I ran to the changing rooms where I got changed into my scrubs, and now as I worked to tie my hair into a bun, I crouched down behind a wall, slowly but surely making my way to the reception desk, sharing a look with the nurse on duty as she signalled me for the opportune time.

"Where's Maria?" My boss, Dr Caravella asked as he leaned against the desk, reading through a patients record as Lev stood opposite him, eyes jumping from our boss to me as he subtly waved his hand as a sign of telling me to run.

And staying close to the ground, I rushed to the reception desk as quietly as possible.

"She went to the bathroom, I'm sure she'll be back soon." Lev spoke as I sat down on one of the seats, logging into the computer and pulling out a random patient record all while trying to calm my raging heartbeat down.

"Yeah, I'm right here." I spoke as calmly as possible, blowing my fringe out of my face as the two men turned to look at me, Lev relieved, and Dr Caravella suspicious.

"How long have you been there?" He asked, raising a brow to which I shrugged, pretending to think about it.

"A bit." I managed to get out, hoping it wasn't too obvious that I lied.

"I see... Well, we're not as busy as usual today so it's fine. Here's the patient record for you, go take a look at him and let me know if you need any help." Thankfully, he believed the lie and quickly got to the main topic at hand, handing me the said patients record as I nodded my head, going to read through all the information until I froze after reading the name.

Sometimes, I can't help but believe in God.

"Maria? Is that okay with you? It shouldn't be too difficult to treat as it's just a bad scrape on the leg from running, nothing unusual with children of that age." His words reminded me not to let the emotion slip onto my face.

"Y-Yes, it's fine. I'll treat him well." I quickly nodded my head, going back to reading the file.

Alejandro De Santis.

What an opportune turn of events.

"I'm sure you will. We doctors should never treat one patient differently from the rest, but just keep in mind that you can't make mistakes with this one. His father's one of the biggest investors in the hospital, and we don't want to ruin that relationship." Oh, I'm very well aware of that. But unfortunately, the reputation of this hospital was not a main concern of mine.

"I understand, Doctor." And nodding, he turned in his shoes, walking away.

My revenge is planned out in a way that doesn't rely on anyone but myself, and while that does make certain things more difficult than others, it's trustworthy and firm, leaving no one but myself to blame if something goes wrong.

But at times like these where I played no part in the situation, opportunities fall into my lap that would be ridiculous to simply give up. One opportunity at a time, things will slowly but surely pan in my favour.

"What was all that about? I've never seen that doctor sound so gentle before. Do you think he's okay? What has he gone through to become like that?" Lev threw his questions at me as he leaned over the desk, whisper-shouting at me as if I had the answers.

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