Chapter 28- Her Broken Act

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--Maria POV--

"I love you." Never before did I let myself believe that I'd ever get to hear such words from anyone. At least, not in this life, and definitely not from this man of all people. But here we are.

Having spoken the raw truth to me, he'd never looked so honest in speaking any other words before. So, seeing him like this made it impossible for me to hold back my smile which was quick to turn into a full-fledged grin.

Of all the people in this world, it was me he chose to say those words to. I love you. And I wasn't just grateful, but thanks to this man, for the first time, I was able to look further than my revenge. To a life of happiness once this revenge was completed.

And how else could I reply to his truth than with a truth of my own.


But unfortunately, Lev, that so-called best friend of mine, had other plans. With the wild raging of his knocking on my front door, threatening to break it down, the chance for me to voice my reciprocation to Leandro had forcefully been halted.

"Maria! Maria! Open up, quickly!" He yelled, and before any of my neighbours could voice their complaints, I rushed to open the door for him, barely having just unlocked the door as he pushed himself into the apartment, eyes stuck on his phone.

"Did you see all the articles? The news? The comments? People are going crazy! You're famous, Maria! And those filthy bullies of yours, Narciso? More like Narcissism. And Giana? More like Gi... Jealous. Well, they're being eaten up alive, and their reputation is done for- Oh... Leo's here?" I didn't understand half of what he said, but that was nothing new.

Leandro's presence seemed to be enough to calm him down and momentarily halt his thoughts as he finally came to realise the situation which he'd walked into, eyes jumping from me to Leandro before returning to me.

"Bad time?"

"When is it not with you?" I sighed, rolling my eyes as he sheepishly chuckled, itching the back of his neck. And how could I ever try to hate this goofy man?

"Anyways... How was your date?" Lev asked, changing the subject as I chuckled, gesturing to Leandro who went to get comfortable on the sofa, picking one of his legs up to rest over his other leg, head going to lean on his fist.

"What do you think?" I sighed, going over to the kitchen where I poured myself a glass of water, gulping it down as Lev hummed, still confused but not saying anything more as he went to sit beside Leandro.

"Did you kiss?" He asked as I went to sit with them.

"Which man are we talking about?" I mischievously cocked my head to the side, holding back a grin when Lev's jaw fell to the ground after jumping to his false theories, and Leandro, not waiting for anyone's permission, slapped him upside the head.

"Get to the main point at hand, will you? What are you doing here?" The mafia man was surprisingly the most mature of everyone here today, seeming slightly frustrated with Lev's presence, and I couldn't blame him. I had been mere seconds away from relaying my confession to him, if only Lev had knocked on the door a few seconds later.

But whether I spoke the words or not, he was able to connect the dots, knowing what it was that I was about to say. And as Lev spoke, reading aloud some comments from the articles, I noticed Leandro's heated gaze following my every move.

And I could almost hear his thoughts. This wasn't over.

And a fire lit itself in my chest from seeing him like this, so on edge. It had me thinking back to a specific night with him, and with that string of thoughts taking over my mind, I gulped, feeling the fire spread from my heart to my stomach, and lower. And once again, he was able to read me like an open book, eyes darkening as he licked his lip, promising me something unspoken.

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