Thirty Third Chapter.

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"You need to go out, let loose." Ian said over the phone.

She had just come out of work and Ian called her because apparently, Tate told him she wasn't okay. Jordan loves Tate with all her heart, but at times she wishes she could bury her under her car.

"I'm fine."

"Yeah, I know. Just go out today, I'll be home to keep Tate company if you're concerned about that."

"I don't feel like going out, Ian."

"And that's exactly why you should. Love you, be home by 2am because doors will remain locked until then."

She has no time to retaliate as he ends the call. She groans in annoyance, leaning her head against the steering wheel.

She had been assisting with a surgery for three hours today. Right now she didn't need a drink, she needed sleep.

Although, a drink sounds good. Vodka, or Tequila, maybe some rum. She took a minute to think on it, but after some time realized she had no choice anyway.

She started her car and drove to where her heart took her. And that was at a club, a gay one. Nothings better than alcohol and bitches dancing like they're fucking. And drugs, lots and lots of drugs.

But Jordan wouldn't take it there. Usually she wouldn't. Today, she wondered how effective molly would be.

When she got inside she found a seat by the bar, and hollered at the bartender.

"Oh. You look a little young." said the man behind the bar.

"Late bloomer." she shrugged.

"Ah." he nods. "What can I get you?"


Innitially, she wanted to get hooked on any drug she could find. She was smart enough to know that that wouldn't take her problems away. But she was also smart enough to know that she couldn't spend another day crying about it. So she said 'fuck it' and decided to pop a pill.

Innitially, that was the plan. That was until she decided to look across the room and she saw a certain someone with people she assumed to be friends.

It's always been a trait of Bridgett's to look absolutely breathtaking as means to taunt Jordan.

She wasn't sure if Bridgett knew she was here, she wasn't looking her way when she saw her. She was chatting with her friends, happily. It was great to know Bridgett was having an awesome time while she dreaded waking up everyday.

Jordan felt two hands on her shoulder, and then lips on her ear as the stranger spoke in her ear. "You're cute."

The mysterious girl moved in front of her, a dark haired girl with light brown eyes.

"Is it your first time here?" the girl yelled through the music.

Jordan nods, gulping down her drink. The girl moves closer, flexing the purple crop top that exposed her breasts.

"What's your name?" she asked, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"What's yours?"


Before Jordan could respond, she was distracted by the view over Carolinas shoulder. Bridgett walked up from behind Carolina, sitting on the barstool next to them.

Carolina placed her hand on Jordan's chin, tilting her head to face her.

"Your name."

"Jordan." she answered briefly, then looked back at the woman behind her.

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