Thirtieth Chapter.

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Jordan's met Lily a good few times now, and the only thing she knows about the girl is that she despises her. Odd considering her mother didn't.

So when Lily saw she had come to pick her up, she did a bit of an eye roll, sighed, and then walked passed her, throwing her back pack at her. Jordan caught it like a butler, and followed behind her.

In the car, she demanded to have Justin Bieber played on the speakers. Justing Bieber. Bridgett was raising a five year old teen from the early 2000s.

The little girl made it a point to let Jordan know she was craving McDonald's, and she refused to be offered anything else, no matter how much she was persuaded against it. McDonald's wasn't healthy for adults, why would it be healthy for kids? But Lily just didn't care.

"Why is your car big?" Lily asked, chewing on a fry. By now she'd gotten tomato sauce and burger crumbs all over the seats.

"I like big cars."


"They make me feel big."

"But you not big, your car is."

Jordan chuckled. "Thank you, Lily, for that shocking revelation."

Lily doesn't respond, licking sauce off her fingers. She shoves at the seat belt around her chest, pushing it aside beneath her armpit to have better access to her food.

"Why don't you have a car seat?" she asks.

"I don't have kids." Jordan responds.

"But why don't you have a car seat?"

She sighs. "I don't think I would need one, considering I don't have kids."

"I'm a kid."

"Well, you're not my kid."

"Oh." she scrunches her face in confusion. "Are you and my mommy married?"

"We're dating."

"So if you married, that means I am your kid."

Jordan opens her mouth to correct her, but closes it again, thinking against it.

It was cute Lily had such a simple understanding of what a couple is. That was the nature of such a tender age, everything is simple. Part of getting older was just complicating and over thinking every little thing.

"Do you love me?" Lily asked.

Jordan's eyebrows raised. She peered at Lily through her rear view mirror.

"What makes you ask that?"

She shrugs. "Do you?"

"I don't really know. We haven't been together for long enough."

"It's okay, I don't like you either."

Jordan nods. "I guess I deserve that, huh?"

"Yeah. But my mommy loves you."

Jordan smiles to herself. "How do you know that?"

"She told me."

"What'd she say when she told you?"

"She said, 'Lily, you have to be nice to Jordan.' then I said, 'no, I don't like her." she reinacted her expression, frowning and pointing her finger in the air.

After that she stopped, going to take a sip of her juice box, mixing the liquid with the food she had in her mouth.

"Then she says, 'but I love her, so you have to be nice'."

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