Twenty Ninth Chapter.

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New found love is meant to pull us away from our friends. That's when you know it's real. When you and the other person are so lost in your own world that no one else exists.

When Jordan was with Ian and Tatum, she was talking to Bridgett over the phone. When she was at work, her earpods were on listening to her rant about how her daughter got sick, or how stressful work is, or the fact that her mother has been reluctant on taking Lily for her more busy days.

Ian was less bothered by this. Tate on the other hand, was extremely disturbed.

She didn't like how Jordan wasn't fully focused as they ventured through the mall. The only time she ever spoke to Ian and Tate was to tell them that 'Bridgett' would love a particular piece of clothing because it was in her favorite color, or a specific piece of jewelery because it was a certain size or design. The rest of her focus was dedicated on her cellphone as she texted said woman.

Everytime Tate or Ian tried to get her attention, she would lift her finger up to gesture for them to wait, send an awfully long text, then look up at them for a good two seconds before her phone beeps to indicate that her message was responded to, and she would fix her attention back on the device.

By the time they were driving home from their 'friend's day out', Tate was all gloomy, and nothing Ian did could placate her.

Jordan was at first oblivious of Tate's state, but had finally put her phone down to drive. It became known to her when she began talking to her, and her responses were bitter or cold.

"Where do you guys wanna eat?" Jordan asked.

While Ian went silent to think, Tate rolled her eyes and mumbled, "Why don't you ask your stupid girlfriend."

Jordan frowned, looking at her through the rear view mirror.

"What?" she asked, although Tate had spoken loud enough for her to hear.

"Tate, don't." Ian reprimanded.

"Don't what?" Jordan asked. "Is there a problem I should know about?"

Tatum faced the window, looking out of it with the same bleak expression.

"Okay." mumbled Jordan.

She looked back at the road, an upset frown on her face. She didn't feel like getting her mood ruined by an unnecessary argument.

She turned to Ian, ignoring the girl at the back who seemed to carry an attitude.

"So Chinese food then?" she asked.

"Sure." Ian shrugs.

"I don't like Chinese food." Tate said.

Jordan peaked at her rear view with obvious annoyance.

"Well, I asked everyone what they wanted, and all I got was attitude."

"Shocking you actually looked up at your phone and acknowledged anyone." Tate responded.

"Could you tell me what you're fucking bitching about instead of speaking in fucking metaphors?" she asked.

Tate's nose flared. "I'm not bitching. You've been on your phone all day and you haven't even said anything to us."

"Okay, so?"

Ian sunk on his seat at the response. He's only been dating Tate for a few months, but he knows by now that Jordan's response would cause a gigantic storm.

Because Tate was sensitive, she didn't like it when her feelings were disregarded, especially by the people who claimed to care.

"So I'm very very upset, Jordan!" she yelled.

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