Thirty First Chapter.

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"What a pleasant surprise." Delores smiled. "Jordan Wales. I didn't think I would hear from you again. I was beginning to think you fired me. That was until I got paid this month, of course."

"You know, Didi, most therapists don't treat their clients like they're long lost friends."

"Well, in that case they're not doing their job right. How have you been?"

Jordan sat back on her chair in thought. "I don't know where to start."

There was too much to disclose, it's been too long.

"Take your time." Delores encourages.

She takes a deep breath. "There's alot, so brace yourself."

"I'm ready for anything."

"I met someone. A couple months ago, and I might sound crazy, but I wanna marry her."

Delores laughed. "The honeymoon phase will do that."

"But it doesn't feel like just a phase. I'm actually in love with this woman."

"Okay, tell me more. Where did you two meet?"

"The hospital. But that doesn't matter. The point is, she's got a kid. And this kid has a dad, and now they live together, and I just need to know if it's okay that I'm so fucking bothered by it."

Delores furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "I'm sorry... Is she married to him or..."

"No. They're not together." clearly, her story was lacking context. "They broke up after having the child, and then he sort of fled. He came back because he needed a place to stay."

"He sounds like a jackass."

"He is a jackass. But he's a jackass living with the love of my life and I want him out but she's so fucking adamant on helping him."

"I'm sure it's not about that. They have a child together, that must come into play."

"He's not going to miraculously become a good father."

"You never know. You're in quite a bit of a love triangle there."

Jordan frowns. "It's not a love triangle. She's with me, he just needs a place to live."

"I guess so. You're putting alot of your trust on this woman. I'm proud of you for that. It's a huge leap." she looks at her. "Anything else?"

At this, Jordan tilts her head back and releases a dreadfilled groan. Delores smiles at the dramatics.

"Oh, this is gonna be good." she says playfully.

"I don't really wanna talk about it. But I do need your advice."

"That's what I'm here for."

"Ian's girlfriend, Tate is living here and some shit happened to her that she's having trouble dealing with. She's suicidal, or depressed, I really don't know. And apparently, keeping me around her helps her deal with it. I feel like a selfish asshole for saying this, but I don't think I can do it. "

Delores nods."How long has this been going on?"

"Few months."

"Has she made any progress?"

"I thought she did. She made it seem like she was fine after a while. Then I found out she hadn't stopped cutting."

"That's awful."

"It's stressful. I just feel like she's dragging me down with her. Unintentionally, ofcourse. I care for her, and I don't want her to get hurt I'm just tired."

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