Fifteenth Chapter.

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Creation is astounding. It is an artistic, superlative form of expression.

The world was a masterpiece to be viewed as grand, aesthetic, splendid and widely exceptional. It was crafted to hold one government, and billions of people beneath it, that ran this creation to perform it's full potential. From racial hierarchy, to gender patriarchy, to style archiacy. It was all manufactured in a way that one limits their minds to submission. To lose the ability to think on their own.

Yet, the Human mind and body is it's own artwork. From it's beauty, to it's intelligence, to it's intellectual superiority, and even it's greed for power, as it has knowledge of it.

Jordan explored the world, and the mind, and especially the body. All three remain a wonder to her that she would die inquisitive of.

It was why she chose her line of work. To explore every portion of the human body, and it's response to the world's stimuli.

But there was always a limit to what one wanted to see. And what she didn't at all want to see, is a young, innocent woman after being assaulted in more ways than one, all because she decided to use her freedom of speech.

"Can we talk about it?" Ian asked, leaning next to his friend against the wall.

They were at the hallway of her workplace. She was on break though, which happens to be around the same time of visiting hours. So when Ian came to see his mistress, he happen to run into her as she was heading towards the cafeteria.

With her hands in her pockets, she shrugs.

"Talk about what?"

They both knew what he was referring to, but of course, Jordan would do anything to avoid confrontation of her feelings.

"So we're back to this then? Cool." he mumbled the last word. "So you just wanna pretend I don't owe you an apology?"

"If you wanna apologize, go ahead. I won't stop you."

He pushes his body from against the wall, going over to stand in front of his friend.

"I'm sorry." he said sincerely. "And I could stand here and rant about how this is all my fault and how I deserve hell and nothing less. But I'd rather we talk about the fact that I haven't seen you in about a week."

"I'm busy."

"With what? You haven't been coming into work."

"Lectures and shit."

"That's bullshit and we both know it. You're upset with me, or at the world, or whatever the fuck it is Jordan Wales gets upset about."

She gives him another shrug. "I'm fine."

"You're doing that thing where you self isolate. It's been two years, you think I can't tell when something's bothering you?"

"It's been two years and you still haven't learnt to leave me the fuck alone. You're no fast learner, that's for sure."

He knew when he started this conversation that it would lead no where. That would never stop him from trying though.

He stares at her for a brief second, while she leaned against the wall with her head tilted upwards.

"Is it because of what happened at Derek's place the other day?"

"Can we not talk about that?"

"Okay, so it is then."

She turns to look at him with a look that should only be shot at ones worst enemy.

"Could you not say that thing's name in my presence?"

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