Taking her home

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Adonis pov- Dr Andrews gave the go ahead, that she can go home not that I needed it, I would have taken her home regardless after all I did promise her, I know she is scared, she misses our son, we can can final go home and be a family, I am taking time of work about 2 weeks off to spend some time with them and to get away from it all even if it is for a short time, we still haven't found them, the only one we got is Helena, they have no idea where the other three are but they dam sure better find them.
I just finished signing her discharge papers, as soon as I got into her room she was already up and dressed, why the hell didn't she wait for me to help her.

Adonis- baby why didn't you wait for me to help you.

Emerald- because I can do it on my own , I am fine now really I am, so stop worrying and lets get out of here I want to get back to our son know.

Adonis- sorry baby you know I can't help it and you know damm sure I will never stop worrying about you.
Now lets get you home, I have a surprise for you and Andro although I think he maybe to young to appreciate it but I know you will love it the most.
( I picked her up and began walking out of the hospital to our car )

Emerald- I can walk you know and I am pretty sure that it's the nurses job to wheel me in a wheelchair.

Adonis- well I don't care I am your husband who knows that the males nurses are only available right now and you know I can't allow them anywhere near you.
But more importantly I love having carrying you in my arms, where I know you are always safe.
( I kissed her lips as she melted in my arms)

Back at Adonis and Emerald's Mansion:

Amelia pov- Adonis told me that they will be back today, I am so happy she is okay, I hated seeing the pain in my brother's eyes, I also see it in Andro I know his only a baby but he knows and feels something is wrong.

Amelia- Andro both your mommy and daddy are coming back today ( I cradled him in my arms while I gave him a bottle )

Sofia- is Tio bringing Tia Em back today.

Amelia- yes there on there way now

Sofia- Andro will be so happy , you hear that Andro there coming back.

( doors open )

There here Tio....Tio..... ( I ran up and hug Tio Adonis and the Tia Em she started giggling, good I made her laugh, which means I made her feel better)
Mommy's feeding Andro, he will be so happy when he see you....

Emerald pov -I follow Sofia to where Amelia and Andro was, As soon as I walked in his little head turned around and saw me he instantly started crying so Amelia got up and handed him to me then gave me a hug and whispered welcome home, as soon as he was in my arms he stopped crying.

Emerald - oh my baby boy how I have missed you so much( I kissed him all over his face and held him close t me afraid I will lose him )
Amelia thank you so much for looking after him, I know how busy you get.
And Sofia thank you too, I know you where helping too, Your the big cousin he could ask for.

Amelia- you don't have to thank me where family it's what we do now I know my brother had plans for you both so Sofia and I will leave you too it, we have to get head back to Paris, you guys call me if you need anything, good bye Andro Tia will come visit you again soon.
( I grabbed Sofia hand and we said our final goodbyes and left , I hope nothing else bad happens)

Emerald- so what is this big surprise that you have all planned.

Adonis- well I was thinking two weeks cruising around on our yacht.
It will be peaceful we will also visit our private island.

Emerald- our private Island? And A yacht?

Adonis- yes our we our married so they our ours baby girl, so what do you say to that.

Emerald- yes...yes... A Thousand times yes ( giggling)
What about you Andro, doesn't that sound Amazingly magical, our own little family adventure, the first of many I hope.

Adonis- okay we will leave in a one week I have to settle a few things a work before I can take off and it will leave you plenty of time to heal and also for my stitches to come out and Heal.
Now how bout some lunch and a movie. Why don't you go pick a movie and I will get something for us to eat. ( kissed her lips then my son head before walking out to go the Kitchen)

Adonis pov- as soon as I have our food I head back into the theatre room Emerald has Andro in here arms as she swaying him back and forth singing a lullaby to him in him sweet voice.
I go up behind her and wrap my arms around them both, this right here at this moment is peace for I am holding my heart which holds them both so dearly I didn't think I would love anyone just as much as I love My sister and niece but do as soon As I saw here I new right away then she gave me son and that completely healed me heart and made it hole again.
I will love and protect them with my life which is why this trip this trip is so important the only people who know is Alex and Jacob.
I didn't want to tell my sister, She would freak out and lose it so it is best if she doesn't.

Emerald- Adonis my love are you okay, you just completely zoned out.

Adonis- yes I'm fine, I was just thinking of all things I could do to you maybe give Andro a little sister.

Emerald- what I only had him 4 months ago and you want another one.

Adonis- you bet I do and I plan to make that happen and you know what happens when I want something.

Emerald- yes I am well aware ( I couldn't help but giggle )
Love you Adonis

Adonis- Love you more.

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