The Interview she never expected 

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Emerald pov - I am both excited and nervous at the same time for this interview I didn't have any office like clothes cause I don't have the money to buy it so I settled for this casual baby blue dress with a white bow of the  it's the cutest dress I own and it's also my favourite I just hope it okay to wear there.
I don't wear make up for a few reason 1. I was never taught and 2. because I just don't have the money for that sort stuff.
It's probably why people mistake me for a teenager not only does it have to do with how I look but they say I am to childish it's probably why my family hated me so much. I am technically still a teenager just not a younger one you see I'm 19.
I brush my hair out and leave my apartment.
As soon as I get in front of Romano Enterprises I start to feel so nervous and my breathing becomes laboured, I shut my eyes and take a deep breath and I start to think about all the words Adonis would say to me and I instantly clam down.
You can do this I say to myself and I walk in to the woman at the receptionist desk I walked up slowly and said excuse me mam she turned around and looked at me with absolute distaste.

Monica- what are you doing here, children are not allowed in this building Mr Romano would not want some brat running around his building especially one that looks like you.

Emerald- I...I am not a child, I am here for an interview I was told to go to the 50th floor

Monica - ha you an interview, you have got to be joking look at you, you are worse then dog shit on the footpath.
No one would give someone like you an interview
You see me little girl, I am beautiful and sexy and I have impeccable Fashion sense.
Thats how I got this job, your poor trashy self
Probably just wants to get up there so you can sync your dirty little hands on the most eligible bachelor in the world Mr Romano save yourself the trouble little girl he will never want someone like you so turn back around and get out of here before I get security to escort you out especially when he has someone like me to satisfy his needs.

Emerald pov - I wanted to break down and cry but I held it in and try to move a head to the elevators but she stopped me and went to hit me but some one grabbed her hand before she could do it , it was Adonis.

Adonis- what the hell do you think you are doing

Monica - Mr Romano sir I was just getting this trashy little girl out she is making up lies and trying to get in I was just stopping her, but that's okay because your here now you can tell her and her low class self will never be able to work here.

Adonis- shut up Monica before I do something I won't regret but you certainly will so I advice you to shut it.
Baby girl are you okay. Baby this is sam his going to take you to my office while I deal with her but I won't be to long okay don't talk to anyone but Sam I haven't told anyone about you baby and Yes I know your a little shock to see me here but I will explain everything once I get there okay baby girl. ( still in shock she managed to nod, god she is so adorable even more with that cute little outfit of hers I usually would never let someone wear a casual dress to the office like she is but she is my baby and my baby can wear whatever she wants well as long as its not to revealing which I know my baby would never do that)

Monica- you called her baby girl, are you serious that little girl

Adonis- I don't have time for your shit I fucked you a few times, I still let you keep your job even though you keep telling everyone that your my girlfriend which we both know is not true and then there is the way you greet people to the way you dress it's completely inappropriate but still I let you keep your job but then you insult my baby girl and made her cry for that you are fired.

Monica - what you can't fire me, I...I need this Job

Adonis- should have thought about that before you did that to Emerald she gave you her name showed you her ID and right here the paper in front of you is her name and A fucking picture and you still chose not to let her pass and you want me to let that go too, "WELL TO FUCKING BAD" oh and Monica good like finding a job I will make sure you won't even get a job flipping burgers at McDonald's, I know your daddy won't be happy didn't he say he will cut you off if you couldn't hold a job down and stopped acting like a spoiled brat well as soon as I get into my office I am personally going to call your father and tell him hell I think I'd rather show him the footage and I'm sure he'll be on my side so looks like you will be getting cut off.

Adonis pov- I walked away and she started screaming and crying I told my security team to escort her out and make sure she never comes back I told them to put her picture up as she is banned from my office building, I headed straight to my office and as soon as I get there I hear my baby girl crying and sam going off at.... Oh fuck not again only this time its my casual date Lexi she is the one I always bring to every event and would sleep with when I needed a quick release. But I got my baby girl and I don't plan on losing her ever.
I stormed up seething with anger.

Lexi- who do you think you are going into Adonis's office, in fact what are you doing here all together. Adonis is mine and I will not have another whore trying to sink her claws into him it was bad enough with Monica.

Adonis- Miss steel I advice you to lower your hand and your voice.
1. Your are and never will be my girlfriend
2. You where only a casual date to business functions but now I have Emerald and she is all I will ever need.
3. Your fired, you have 20 minutes to pack your stuff and leave security will be waiting for you to escort you out count your self lucky I am not going to blacklist you so you can never get a job anywhere.
Say anything and I will change my mind about blacklisting you, sam find me a new PA a man this time I don't want anymore of this drama crap.

Sam- yes Mr Romano right away.

Adonis- come on baby girl lets into my office.

Adonis pov- she nodded her head and followed me in, once we where inside I shut and locked the door and picked her up bridal style sitting in my chair with her in her rightful place, right on my lap.
I kissed her lips and wiped away her tears that stained her beautiful face.

Emerald- w...why didn't you tell me that you where the CEO..

Adonis- because baby I wanted to surprise you, so did you bring your school work with you.

Emerald- yes

Adonis- good you can sit on that table and do it then, if you need any help you ask me baby okay I will just be doing some paper work okay.
( Emerald nods her head)

Adonis- words baby girl

Emerald- okay.... But Adonis I thought I came here to work so I can pay for school and bills
And my daily living.

Adonis- your school work is your work baby and your in a place of business, you will shadow me and learn and as far as your other expenses go I have already paid for your classes and all your bills and I will pay for anything else you will need or ever want okay, I told you your mine so it's my job to take care of you.

Emerald- b...but t....thats to much, I...I can't let you pay it's not fair on you I don't want to be a burden and I don't want people to say bad things to me like those woman did.

Adonis- baby you will never be a burden to me, and as far of those woman don't let them get to you they are just jealous because you captured my heart my soul my very been, I have always been a very cold hearted Calculated person the only ones I have ever been soft with is my sister and my niece and now you.
So I am going to spoil you and show you how much I treasure you and how much you truly mean to me I know it's only been short time since we first met you consume my every thought, only you my baby girl.

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