Can't loose them

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Adonis pov- I am pacing back and forth my heart is racing a mile a minute the only thing I can hear is the beating of my heart, I see Amelia's mouth moving a worrying look across her face, "what the hell is taking so long, what's going on they have been there for a few hours and I have not heard a thing, the longer the wait the more nervous I get that something bad has happen to them I can't lose them, if I lose them there is no need for me live, 'god Emerald my baby girl she must be so scared and I promised I wouldn't leave her but look what happened I didn't keep my promise I am here waiting like an idiot and she is all alone and our son they haven't came out and told me any news I asked a few nurses but they all give me the same pathetic answer when we hear something we will come and tell you what bull shit is that.

Amelia- "Adonis stop it, right now, you need to calm down, you freaking out yelling at everyone isn't going to help not to mention your excessive pacing and mumbling under your breath, you are scaring everyone, every doctor and nurses that comes this way see you and stops and goes back the way they came so calm down, you have to have faith that every thing will be okay just seat down with me and calm down, can you do that for me, once you calm down I will ask....
( I watch my brother drudgingly seat down beside me taking a deep breath, I watch as a tear rolls down his face , I can tell his hurting so much I have never seen my brother cry like ever)
Okay you wait here I am going to find a doctor and ask them just wait here.
(He doesn't say anything but nod)

Amelia- Dr Ortega thank god Your here, Emerald and her baby please tell me you have seen them and that they are okay , Adonis is losing it.

Dr Ortega - yes I have although I did send some nurses to inform him but they where all to scared.
I just came back from seeing Emerald she lost a lot of blood then her body went into shock which caused her to have an epileptic episode, she is stable now but she is a sleep, I talked with Dr Jamison he told me she might take some time to wake up, I instructed him to place nurses with her 24/7 , I also had her moved to our private wing of the hospital along with baby Romano A private nurse is taken care of him.
Where is Adonis I need him talk to him

Amelia- why what's wrong is there something wrong with Emerald there baby

Adonis- I have to discuss it will Adonis

Adonis pov- I have my head down trying to calm myself, repeating over and over again that there going to be fine, they just have to be, I look up slightly to see Amelia walking with Dr Ortega

Adonis- Dr Ortega please tell me they are okay

Dr Ortega - Adonis Emerald had lost a lot of blood with caused her to have an epileptic episode but she is stable now but your son...

Adonis- "What about my son? , what happen to him....

Dr Ortega- Adonis your son has an atrial septal defect which means he has a hole in his heart he will need an operation to repair the heart, I have the papers here for you sign giving us permission to operate.

Adonis pov- hearing that made my heart just drop I waster no time I grabbed the papers from him and signed.

Adonis- can I see them now where are they

Dr Ortega- of course I had them move to the private wing of the hospital

Adonis- w..when will the operation be...

Dr Ortega- tomorrow morning come on I will take you to see your son first, I also asked them to put another bed in Emerald's room as I know you would never leave with out them by your side.

Adonis pov- as soon as we got there to my son's room I couldn't hold back anymore I dropped down to my knees and broke down Amelia immediately wrapped her arms around me I couldn't hold it any longer with both sat there crying, all I could see was tubes sticking out off my son a machine breathing for him pumping his little heart.

Amelia- He is a Romano so and your son so I know he will be a fighter( I wiped the tears from my eyes and push them dee down my brother has always be strong for me now it is my time )
So Adonis's what is his name....

Adonis pov- Emerald told me she wanted me to pick our sons name and given the situation there is only one name that comes to mind Andro Marcel Romano.
The meaning of The name Andro is warrior then Marcel the meaning of that name is the Roman god of war.
I slowly get up and go over to the incubator and look down at him.

Adonis- his name is Andro Marcel Romano my little warrior you must fight I will fight right beside you because your mommy she needs you with both do.
(I reached over and touched his little hand and he immediately grabbed it tightly , I couldn't help but smile that's my boy)
I will see you tomorrow hijo ( son )

Dr Ortega- I promise he will be well looked after This is Denise she is one of the nurses that will watch over Andro 24/7 so he will be in good hands now shall we go, I know you would love to see your wife.

Adonis pov - I only nodded my head for the first time I am barely able to speak me the great Adonis Romano.
As soon as I walk into her room And see my sweet baby girl laying there she looks a little pale but still looks like the Angel she is at least she is breathing on her own, now all we have to do is wait for her wake up which I pray to god is soon, well sorta I guess I would rather her be awake when I know our son Andro is okay and the operation went well because I know she wouldn't be able to take that, she would be heart broken and blame herself.

Amelia- Adonis I am going to go and give you some time alone with Emerald I will get You some clothes and bring it here along with some food I will be back soon just promise me Adonis that you will get some rest you will be no good to them if you don't.

Adonis- I promise okay well at least I will try but it's kind of heart the love of my life is laying here in a weaken state my son, my newborn son Andro is about to under go and emergency operation on his heart, it's a lit but I know you are right so I will try( I gave my sister a kiss on the cheek and then she left but not before she gave Emerald a kiss on the cheek and whispered something in her ear )

Baby girl we have a handsome son looking just like me and I know he wants to see his mommy so you have to wake up and gain your strength because he will need you,
I need you, I need you to be okay again....
( I held her hand kissing it slowly, tears slowly flowing from my eyes)

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