Best Son!

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Nisha's pov:

"It's been months since I met Nani. You know, amidst everything starting from our marriage, then shifting to Bangalore, Amu's engagement and then followed by your accident ; I had really been occupied a lot. I don't know how but, in a way I literally forgot about her. I should have at least called her a couple of times, even if I couldn't meet her.

But, I didn't. I am really guilty for this. She loves me really a lot and I too do. She represents my mother a lot in many ways and I feel as if my Mom is there with me whenever I am with her.

Also, the same is the case with her. I am the only one who she has now. My Maasi shifted to Canada with her family and thus, she lives alone now. I am the only last memory of her daughter. I got so busy with my life that I forgot I have to look after her.

That's the only reason I didn't say anything to her downstairs and also asked or I would say yelled at you to apologize to her. She has just arrived and I didn't want to fight or argue with her regarding anything. I definitely wouldn't let it all go just like this but, I thought that it's not the right time. I need some time with her to talk to her, tell her everything about us, explain her about everything. I just need a little bit more time.

I promise that I will set everything right this time. I won't let anything that happened today happen again.

Also, I am really really sorry for shouting at you. Never ever in my dreams, I ever thought of yelling at you. But, I don't know what happened today. I knew no other way to end this topic than to make you apologize to her. And, when you didn't listen, I just lost my cool. I am really sorry. I am really ashamed of my act."

I silently stared at him and the guilt reflecting his conscience. He was guilty, no doubt. But, he was the only one who taught me to love and respect myself. He was the one who taught me to put your own respect as a priority before anything and anyone else.

"I know that you would never hurt me intentionally. But, keep this thing in Abhi that you were the one who made me who I am today. You made me respect myself first and then, others. You made me love myself first and then, others. You taught me that I should keep myself before anyone else. It should matter the most to me.

So, whatever happened today shouldn't happen again. I won't ever tolerate any disrespect towards myself or towards Mummy-Papa. I took a stand for them today and will keep on doing so till my last breath. And that, at any cost, should not be the reason for you to disrespect me." I don't know from where did this courage arose within me but, I spoke whatever I had inside me.

Expecting an assurance to this from him, I waited for his reply. Instead, he smiled.


His smile was like a sudden beam of sunlight illuminating the darkest corners of the room, redirecting our conflict to something else. His smile flickered across his face like a hologram, as if he achieved something never imagined.

"What happened? Why are you smiling?" I asked curiously.

"Sorry about smiling at the wrong time but, I just couldn't help it. You know few months back, when you came here, you were this shy, silent and conserved girl who spoke only a few words throughout the whole day. And on the other hand, my family was the real example of crazy, fun and jolly people. I was at times worried of how you adjust and get along with us all with this silent nature of yours.

But now, you are so well with everyone that sometimes I feel like you have known like from years. The way you stood out from Mumma and Dad today ; that was really commendable. Thank you so much for that.

Also, I loved how you took a stand for yourself infront of me today. I did wrong by shouting at you today and you made me understand my mistake. I have wanted for you to be this since the beginning. To speak for yourself whenever needed infront of anyone. And, when now you spoke to me and kept your demand on respect for yourself, I just loved it. I am really very proud of you now. That's how I wanted my Nishu to be. A strong and a beautiful lady who is now ready to conquer the world."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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