His First Priority!

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Abhinav's pov:

"There is nothing much to worry about Mr. Shukla. It's just that she is so frightened with all the chaos and sudden exposure with those reporters. While such thing will not happen to any of you guys as you are quite habituated to such but, as of her, she is very new to all these things. She has not been ever exposed to anything as such.

She just fainted because of the fear and nothing else. She is very much scared right now. She would wake up in an hour or two and be perfectly fine. But, there are a few things you also need to take care of.

There are few people who are emotionally very much invested as well as very fragile. Just looking at her condition, I can tell that she is one of them.

Really small things for us can prove to be very massive for her, just like today's encounter with the paparazi. She has never hoped or even thought of such thing, that's why she's so scared.

Don't take it otherwise but, try to mix her up into your environment as properly as possible or just keep her totally out of it. Don't let her hang in the middle.

I hope you understood my point."

"Sure doctor." I replied and again took Nisha's hand in mine and began rubbing my thumb over it.

" I'll take your leave now." Saying this, the doctor left.

"Abhi, she is fine. As the doctor said, she will wake up in sometime. Don't stress over it." Mumma patted my back and said.

"How could I not stress Mumma? She is my responsibility. I failed to take care of her today. It was my responsibility to look after her and my irresponsibility that I didn't take the security with me. If I would have taken proper care, none of this thing would have happened."

"Abhi, stop blaming yourself. You didn't do that intentionally. It was all just a bad series of events that happened. If you would have known that any such thing would happen, then you would have taken proper care.

But, you were completely unknown to what was about to happen and it's not your mistake. So take that in mind, that you need not to blame yourself for something that you didn't do.

Yes, some unfortunate events happen but, keep in mind everything that happens is for the better. This time we learnt the lesson that Nisha is not someone who has till now, completely adapted to this society, especially the people around us. She needs proper exposures and proper care so that she would merge up good." Mumma explained.

"I understand your point Mumma. But, right now, she needs to get up first. I want to talk to her." I spoke as I caressed her face.

"Let her rest for sometime and as the doctor said, she will gain consciousness in sometime. Don't worry." She gave me the much needed assurance and left me alone with Nisha.

Nisha's pov:

I opened my eyes with much difficulty as if they had been stuck with something. I fluttered then for sometime and then opened them fully, adjusting to the harsh light.

"Nisha, Thank God you woke up. How are you? Is it hurting somewhere? Answer me." Came his panicked voice.

"Wa...ater." I spoke and he immediately nodded, bringing the glass of water to my mouth.

As soon as the water seeped through my throat, a calming coldness filled me in.

"Fine now?" He asked and I nodded.

"What happened to me? I don't remember a lot." I spoke.

"You fainted inside the car after that encounter with the reporters." One by one everything clicked on and I remembered every single instance that happened today.

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