Its Destiny!

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Abhinav's pov:

In the wash of the new light that sticked from the window, her face took on the appearance of like a beautiful blessing, one of nostalgia about how it had gotten into cuts and scratches, yet so beautiful.

I watched my love as she brings her skin into focus when she stirred into my arms, not yet acquainted with the warmth of who I was, as it's new, for her but, she was still in the land of her dreams. And since there is no better thing to do but to bring my body so close that our hearts synchronise at a rhythm, I hugged her and ran my hands on her back till she woke up.

As though she felt my movement, then the light looked so strong for me that she come into the present with me, eyes open. Those beautiful doe eyes fluttered a while before adjusting to the light and then, it may have taken her to remember that we slept on the same bed when she looked confused.

"Good morning, Nishu." I said and more of that I imagined, she blushed ; maybe at my endearment for her or maybe at our closeness. She dipped her head into my chest and hugged me more tight.

How I wish to be forever like this!

"I have closed the door Nisha. I need to open it before people start assuming that something wierd is happening in this room." My laughter reverberated in the room along with her silent humming.

Careful enough to not hurt her, I detached from her and made her sit on the bed, making sure there's proper cushioning at the back.

"Wait a minute. I'll open the door and send someone inside to get you freshened up." Saying this, I went outside and sent a nurse inside to get her freshened up. Meanwhile, I made a few quick calls at my office instructing my employees to take proper care of work in my absence.

Just as I could enter back into Nisha's room, I heard Rish calling my name.

"Hey Abhi, how's Nisha?" He asked his first question.

"She's fine right now. Even though, it still doesn't feel good to look at her that she has been walking so weakly and losing so much of energy."

"Just give her a few days and she'll be back as before. It won't take her long to come back to her original cheerful state. " Rish said.

"I hope so and I wish for the same. By the way, how come you are here so early this morning?"

"Actually, Mumma sent me with your breakfast and even though you wouldn't know, I came here half an hour ago." He told.

"Then, why didn't you come inside?" I asked him.

"I actually knocked at the door but, getting no response from inside, I got the feeling that something dirty might be going on. So, I chose to not interrupt again and now that I have known that you have no idea that I've come in the morning itself, I am pretty sure that you two were really very busy inside." He said, with his signature smirk on display.

"First of all, stop with the smirking and we weren't doing anything dirty. Stop assuming things. And now if you're done with your nonsense talks, I'm really hungry and I would like to eat the breakfast." Even though I knew that my words would put no effect on him, I tried to cover up.

But as expected, he burst out laughing and after abusing him a few words which definitely didn't do any work, we walked inside to see that the nurse had already given a bath to Nisha and she was putting back the IV into her hand.

"Just do it slowly. It must be hurting her." I yelled and rapidly ran towards her when I saw her hissing in pain when the nurse injected the IV syringe back into her.

"Sir, I know my job. It usually pains a little when we inject back the syringe." The nurrse replied in a equally high tone as mine, angering me further.

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