Her maturity!

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Nisha's pov:

"What happened Rishabh bhai? You look tensed." I asked looking at the stressed face of Rishabh bhai.

"Nothing. It's just one more person is left whose permission I have to take."

"Who is left now?" Came my husband's voice.

"Nisha." Rishabh Bhai said, making my eyes go as wide as saucers.

Walking towards me, I could see the same stress in his eyes as he had some time before.

"Nisha, I am getting your confusion right now. But, you are yourself not aware of your big nature. In such a short period of time, you have made everyone of us very much fond of you. And, that's the reason each one of us loves you like we've known since birth."

I didn't realise that I had been smiling like a fool until he reciprocated mine.

"And, as for Amu ; she loves you like anything. She always says - Rishabh, I've always been loved like a princess at my home. But, I always wanted a friend, a sister with whom I can talk for hours without any fear or any hesitation. And, with Nisha's arrival, I feel blessed.

Her words are enough not only for me, but for anyone to understand that you're not only her sister in law by relation but, her sister by heart.

And, that's why, I want your permission to marry your sister. Will you permit me to spend my entire life with your sister?"

I felt the tightening of my throat and tears racing down my cheeks as soon as his words escaped his mouth.

"Nisha, why are you crying? Did I say something wrong?" Worry dripping from his tone, Rishabh bhai looked stressed.

"No Bhai." I said and wiped my tears. "Infact, you made the happiest. I am always told to consider myself a part of this family. But, there had always been a bit of uneasiness to mold myself in a complete new atmosphere and among these extremely amazing yet new people. " I took some time to even my breathing and continued ahead.

"But, today you made me realise that not only by words, I'm a legit memeber of this beautiful family by heart. Thanks a lot for this Rishabh bhai. And yes, you can marry my sister but, on one condition. And, that is to always keep her happy.

She is a beautiful soul but, very delicate flower. Please, never let any strong wind damage her petals. They are too precious."

Before I could register any, I felt myself getting engulfed in a bear, tight hug. Bhai's strength was probably enough to get me crushed with him, but what mattered now were our emotions. It got me into a flow of care and love and happiness.

"Enough of you guys' emotional crying. It's the time for happiness now. Let's celebrate." We seperated at my husband's voice and for a brief second, I saw his welled up eyes if I'm not wrong.

"Okay, let's celebrate. Tonight's gonna be lit." Rishabh Bhai shouted, booming the entire living room with his cheer. "Let me get some champagne." Saying that Rishabh bhai ran near the kitchen.

"What is Bhai going to bring from kitchen? And, what's Champagne?" I asked curiously to my husband.

"He didn't go to the kitchen. He went to the mini bar set up beside the kitchen. And Champagne, it's a sort of alcohol that people generally drink when they celebrate some happy ocassion." He told.

Hearing Alcohol made me scrunch my nose and few harsh visuals suddenly replayed in my mind causing me to stir uncomfortably.

"What happened Nisha? You lost your colours as soon as I said Alcohol."

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