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Abhinav's pov:

It's been a week!

A fucking crazy week!

Without her!

I was literally so irritated by this traffic. If I could just fly off to my home!

Yes, I'm going home. To Mumbai. To my family. To my wife, my love.

I haven't ever been this excited before for anything else. Be it the biggest deals I have cracked or the biggest award that I have ever gotten ; this excitement is something else. It's like meeting your soul after a long time.

These 8 days have been really difficult for me. Every nook and corner of my penthouse smelled of her memories . In everything and at every place, I was reminded of her. That empty dining table, the missing essence in my coffee, that lonely house. Everything.

Even though, I used to call her every now and then and talk to her daily on a video call, but the place she had made for herself in my heart was not ready to be satisfied by a mere virtual appearance. I had become habituated to her being around and helping me with my things and looking after me like a caring partner.

Who knew that the stranger who had entered my life in the most unexpected and unimaginable way will turn out to be my biggest addiction.

Just by remembering her, I had a smile automatically playing on my lips. I very well remember her 6 days back. It was her first day of college. She was so freaked out that day that it was almost impossible to stop her from crying.

I literally had to be on a video call with her from the moment she woke up till she reached her class. Of course for the time being she went into the washroom, I wasn't there. But, the moment she came back, she again called. It took me more efforts than I generally put while confiscating a deal to calm her down.

Not to forget, her happiness and excitement when she came back from the college. She called me as soon as she reached home and that beautiful smile on her face and her excited self was enough to tell me that she had an wonderful day.

I can swear on anything that that's how I always want to see her. Her being happy and that smile which I have fallen for to never leave her face ; that's what I'll always wish for.

I looked outside the window to see that I passed through those familiar lanes. I was very close to my house and within few minutes, the car stopped.

Opening the door, I breathed that familiar air. Not to brag but, the air at our own place, where we have been brought up, feels so familiar.

Walking inside, I had my heart beating too fast than it's normal pace. I felt like a teenager who was going to meet his crush.

Well it's not a complete crush. Wait! Is it?

She is my life, my love. But, definitely she doesn't know about it and she doesn't feel that way. So, she can be said to be my crush.

I smiled at my own thoughts and rang the bell. I could hear the foot steps approaching the door and there it opened.

"Thank God bhai you came. Otherwise I thought that you would be arriving just a minute before engagement." Said my brother as soon as he saw me.

"Ohh just shut up Aarav." I said and his serious face was soon replaced by a full blown smile.

In no moment, he hugged the hell out of me taking me aback.

See, this is how my brother is. Even though he would be all serious and a poker face kind of guy but, soon he gets back to his mischievous self.

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