His Past!

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Nisha's pov:

"It's not about that Radhika and it never was. I have always been keeping so much expectations from this relationship but, every time I try to think that I'm moving ahead, some or the other thing happens and it holds me back by two steps.

How do I not stress about it? That's really not possible for me to be all chilled out. I'm not able to refrain myself from worrying.

You know, ours was never a normal marriage. I was literally imposed on him as a duty and he is just taking me as a responsibility that he has to fulfil.

And by the things happening right now, I'm pretty sure that all my life I will just be a responsibility for him. I tried to work on it. I really tried hard. But, it isn't happening and I'm not going to blame him for that.

Literally, look at him. He looks like a prince of some royal state. And just look at me. A normal, typical middle class girl who has no direction and nothing in her life.

I just began my career right now and look at him. He has reached literally the sky and his hard work is, I'm very sure, going to take him even up from that.

A man like him deserves a talented, hardworking and a matured woman who matches his level. Not someone like me.

How could I even think that I will get a place in his heart? It's just the politeness and pure heart of these people that they accepted me into their lives. Otherwise never ever in my dreams I would have thought that I would get to meet such people.

I'm talking practically when I say that I do not deserve a man like him. Honestly, that scene shouldn't have taken place at my town. We both would have been happy in our own lives." I told my pain to my best friend from my college.

She came to meet me and she guessed right that something was off looking at my face. When she asked, I couldn't hold any longer and broke down infront of her. After letting all those restrained tears have their way out from my eyes, I told her everything I felt.

"It's time for your medicines. Have them." I jerked at my place when I heard Abhi's voice suddenly.

I hope he didn't hear anything.

He came inside and gave me the medicines. He did talk to Radhika for quite some time and then left. He looked in a pretty good mood. He probably and thankfully hasn't heard anything, else he wouldn't have talked so nicely.

Abhinav's pov:

How could she?

This was the only question running in my thoughts ever since I heard her talking to her friend.

Does she really feel that she shouldn't be with me?

Well, if that's the case then, I think it's high time that I do something about it.

It's been a week since I heard her talking to Radhika about how she doesn't deserve a man like me. Well of course, she was right. She deserves someone much better who could win her heart. Even though, it's paining in my heart like a pricking thorn but, I couldn't neglect the reality that she doesn't wish to be with me anymore.

In all this fiasco, the dreading day came over again. It comes every year and gets me to become the worst version of myself again.

Why does this have to happen?

Why does this day have to come every year?

I only wish for one thing that this day gets deleted from the calendar forever. Today is like I so want to die and leave everything behind but I can't, over-looking the responsibilities I have on my shoulders.

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