"You get on my damn nerves." She said as we laughed. "But I can say the same for you. I was scared that you would never act on your feelings because of the way things happened with Mia. I wanted you to know that I was nothing like her stupid ass, but at the same time I didn't want to try to hard to prove that and I didn't want to have to tell you that. You're right though, I probably wouldn't have acted on my feelings. At least not that soon just out of fear of rejection. But I'm glad things happened the way they did and everything worked out because I love you so damn much and I'm excited about our future life together." She said.

"I love you more beautiful." I said. She reached over the table and kissed me again before sitting back down.

"So give me a hint on what my surprise is." She said as she smiled at me.

"You so fucking beautiful baby." I said as I stared at her. "But no, I'm not telling you shit." I said as I laughed. She kissed her teeth.

"Come on daddy, please." She said softly as she leaned on the table. I tucked my bottom lip in my mouth as I looked her over.

"No." I forced myself to say. She pouted and rolled her eyes.

"You're mean." She said. I laughed.

"Your spoiled ass. You'll see after your appointment baby." I said as I reached over and grabbed her hand. She smiled and rolled her eyes again. "Them bitches gonna get stuck one day." I said.

"I'm already knowing. I can't help it though." She laughed just as our food arrived. "Thank you." She thanked the waitress.

"You're welcome. Do you guys need anything else?" She asked.

"We're good, thanks." I thanked her. She nodded.

"Enjoy." She smiled before walking away. We bowed our heads and I blessed our food before we dug in.

"Alani Harris." The assistant called Alani's name as she looked at the clipboard. We stood up and walked over to her.

"It's now Alani Thomas." She smiled at the assistant.

"Oh my apologies. After your appointment just give the front desk a copy of your new driver license or ID card and they'll update your name in the system. Congratulations by the way." She smiled at her.

"Thank you." She said as we walked to an office where she took her blood pressure and weight before escorting us to a room. She asked Alani a few questions about why does she think she's pregnant and asked her to describe her symptoms. After she put that in the notes she then told us that the doctor would be with us shortly before walking.

"What if it's twins again?" I asked her. She looked at me and laughed.

"If it's twins again I'm getting my tubes burned and your ass is getting a vasectomy. I'm not taking no more chances with your ass." She said seriously. I laughed as I shook my head.

"Come on, you wouldn't want to try for a single?" I asked her. She scrunched her face up.

"Absolutely fucking not." She said seriously. I doubled over in laughter as she just stared at me. "Marcus don't piss me off." She said. I laughed as I held my hands up in surrender.

"I was just kidding baby." I laughed. Before she could say anything else there was a knock on the door.

"Good afternoon you two." Dr. Hunter said as she walked in. "How are you guys doing today?" She asked as she washed her hands.

"We're good, how are you?" Alani asked her.

"I'm good." She said as she dried her hands. "So you think you're pregnant again?" She asked as she looked over her chart and looked at the notes that the assistant wrote down.

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