37 | A peck

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"Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked furrowing my brows and wrapping the shawl around my shoulder more securely whilst pulling the fluffy pillow closer to my chest.

Zayaan and I were sitting on the soft white carpeted floor on either end of my balcony with blazing coffee in our hands.

It was almost midnight and the sky looked like a black canvas with glistening stars scattered on it with their ethereal glow. The crescent shaped moon illuminating amidst the nighttime clouds. The surrounding was once again tranquil after the hustle and bustle of the day. I inhale deeply filling my lungs with fresh air.
The silence was serene with the distant sound of leaves rustling. I look towards Zayaan shuddering lightly as the nippy breeze bit my skin.

Zayaan smiled and leaned back resting both his palms on the mattress.

"Say it." I encouraged, inhaling the strong fragrance of coffee.

"You look happy." Zayaan muttered peering at me with his deep ocean blue orbs which were shining brightly under the yellow light of the balcony.

I nod my head whilst pressing my lips straight. "I feel like a huge burden is off my shoulder. My heart is at ease. Shiza knows the truth and I personally feel Asad is the perfect guy for her..."

I exhale and hoist my head to look at the never ending blanket of dark sky.

"What about you? How are you feeling with this whole truth coming out and their marriage. I know I was your so-called first attraction." I finger quoted the first attraction and continued. "But I'm sure you at least liked Shiza. I mean she is the sweetest person I know. Are you feeling okay?"

There, I finally rolled off the words I always wanted to ask Zayaan. He asked Shiza's hand for marriage which means it wasn't just about the first attraction. He might have felt some connection between them right?

I know there was some unknown tension between us maybe attraction, after our first meeting at his company but Zayaan chose Shiza over whatever we had back then.

I'm his wife now and I might get hurt by his answer but I still wanted to know if Zayaan still feels something for her?

Does he feel a pang when he sees Shiza with someone else?

I always felt restless when this particular thought crossed my mind after our marriage.

Zayaan bit the inside of his cheek with one of his brows raised. He seemed like he was totally enjoying our conversation.

"Is it okay if I give this answer in action?" He asked casually while sitting upright and dusting his hands.

"Action? Yeah whatever..." I unconsciously agreed whilst waving my hand to go ahead.

His lips curled up making his dimples pop out. Raking finger through his hair, he huffed standing up and ambled towards me.

I sat straight holding the coffee mug firmly. I let my eyes ramble over the giant garden of our house as Zayaan walked towards me planning God knows what, in his mind.

After a long pause, Zayaan leisurely sat in front of me. Our knees brushed lightly making me shudder a little but all thanks to cold weather I could blame it for my reaction. My nostrils were welcomed by his fresh lemon scent and involuntarily I leaned a bit closer to his warmth letting his scent engulf me. I could literally feel his gaze on my face as I kept peering at the garden with a rather placid look but internally I was anything but calm. My heart had already picked up its pace drumming against the ribcage.

The atmosphere around us was suddenly unfurled with heavy tension and an eerie silence sailed our surroundings. I gulped trying to soothe my breathing. I curl my toes as nervousness took birth in my stomach.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16 ⏰

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