31 | A conclusion

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I stood still thinking about various events that happened in the past.

My mind replayed Shiza sentence 'Qulsum loves anklets and she has tons of them while I hate it...'

Raking fingers through my hair, I closed my eyes shut, 'Qulsum wardrobe is filled with white clothes...'

And now when I was connecting the dots, I perceived that instead of Shiza; Qulsum smelled like fresh jasmine.

All these revelation crammed my mind with bewilderment.
All these things pointed towards only one thing - that day the girl whom I met, the girl I fell in love with, the girl I dreamt about every night wasn't Shiza it was Qulsum.

My sentiments had gone haywire. At this point, I don't know what to feel.

The girl I met during the rally, was it really Qulsum?
If Qulsum knows the truth, why did she hide it from me?

I need to be sure before coming to any conclusion.
Retrieving my phone I dialled Asad, "Get the footage of rally that was staged by Shiza's college and come to my home now."
With that I disconnected the call and stormed out without informing anyone.


I was walking to and fro waiting for Asad, when the door burst open and he walked in holding a pendrive in his hand.

"Why do you look so frazzled?" He questioned.

"You'll know once you play the footage." I mumble and stroll towards the couch.

Inserting pendrive into the laptop, Asad pressed the play button.
I was feeling anxious the whole while. I propped my elbows on my knees while sitting and narrowed my eyes looking at the video. My heart was pounding like thundering drums.

I could see the students marching, with every second I was growing anxious.

And then came the moment when two girls one in white and another in brown came in the view. Again their back was facing the camera.

A wave of nostalgia swept over me the moment my eyes landed on the beauty in white. Everything still felt fresh, as if I was living in that moment again. A midget smile decorated my lips.

Then suddenly both of them turned around facing the camera and my breath hitched while my heart dropped in my stomach.
I couldn't believe what I was seeing. A cold shiver coursed down my spine while I just bat my eyelids looking at the video clip.

Asad gasped loudly, "Holy Shit!"

I was completely and utterly left aghast viewing the sight in front of me.

There stood Qulsum, dressed in all white looking like an angel. A bright smile was laced on her lips as she conversed with the students.

Despite being hurt, my heart couldn't help but skip a beat the moment I saw her in that white dress. She looked surreal in it. Just like I had imagined. I couldn't help but fall for her yet again.

"This is way more fucked up than I expected..." Asad started looking at me, "So all this while - Man! Do you love Rally girl or Shiza or your wife?"

I glare at Asad asking him to shut up cause first I wasn't in a mood to speak and second that was the shittest question to ask when he knows my entire story.

"Yeah okay, " He raised his hand up as if he is surrendering. "You don't have to kill me for that but eventually you'll have to answer that question."

"Oh God" I mumble rubbing my temples.

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