7 | When eyes meet

282 17 2

Third person

That day after Shiza and Zayaan went on date, Qulsum got a call from her project manger stating that the project release is preponed.
Qulsum shifted to the dorm for a week that very night where two of her colleagues from project stayed so that they can work together day and night and get the work done.

Finally after hectic week Qulsum was finally done with work and today she was going back home.

Her phone chimed with an incoming call.
"Asalamuwalaikum Qulllsuummmm" Aqsa chirped with her high pitch voice making Qulsum chuckle.

"Walaikumsalam Aqsa. You seem excited."

"Well, there is an amazing news and that's why you are coming to my office to pick me up so that we can have girls night and I can tell you exciting news. I have been waiting to tell you this for four days now." Aqsa answered.
Qulsum was so engrossed in her project that she was not able to contact anyone except for her mother at morning for few minutes.

"Yes boss!" Qulsum agreed disconnecting the call. Somewhere Qulsum also wanted to meet certain someone who had dwelled in her mind the whole while.


"We will leave as soon as you are done with your coffee." Aqsa stated scrolling through her Instagram feed.

Aqsa and Qulsum were now sitting at the cafeteria which was across the street from Z&N.

"Yeah sure." Qulsum mumbled, her eyes scanned the entrance of Z&N looking for him. Sighing she lowered her head swirling the spoon in her almost cold coffee.

"Mr.Zaidi has some board meeting... It will take another ten minutes Qulsum. Stop staring at the entrance every second and for God's sake stop sighing." Aqsa was observing Qulsum since she walked inside Z&N. Her eyes were constantly searching for someone, Aqsa very well who that someone was.

"I am not looking for him." A tint of red creeped along her cheeks.

"Yeah and I am Cinderella." Aqsa chuckled looking at Qulsum's flushed face.

Just then Qulsum felt a tingling sensation in her heart making her snap her head at the entrance again and that's when she saw Zayaan walking out of company with a girl following him. Qulsum peered at him, her heart hammered against her ribcage. Seeing her friend's eyes fixated on entrance Aqsa knew that Zayaan was outside.

"Okay let's go Qulsum. I will get my bag from company and we can leave. I don't think you are in mood to drink that coffee anymore." Aqsa pointed at the coffee standing up.

"Yea," Qulsum stood up giving her a small smile. "Let's get your bag then."

Zayaan was instructing the girl something who kept on nodding staring at the iPad in her hand. After crossing the road Qulsum halted in her track, few meters away from Zayaan.

"What's wrong now?" Aqsa inquired narrowing her eyes.
"You go and get your bag, I will wait here." Qulsum mumbled touching her head scarf. Aqsa shook her head staring to and fro between her and Zayaan. She knew her friend was scared to go in front of Zayaan; so much for waiting to see him.
"You do realise that we will have to walk past him to reach the parking area right?"
"Just so Aqsaaa..." Qulsum pouted pointing at the entrance of company where Zayaan and his secretary were standing.

Qulsum peered at Zayaan whose eyes were glued to the iPad. Every now and then he used to run his fingers through his hair making him look more appealing.

Aqsa strolled out of the company with her bag and greeted Zayaan who gave her a nod. Suddenly a very innovative idea walloped her mind making her smirk at Qulsum.

Qulsum eyes went wide when she saw Aqsa smirking. 'Please don't do anything stupid... Not in front of him Aqsa.' She mumbled to herself and silently prayed to God.

"Qulsum come fast, I am getting late." Aqsa shouted standing two steps away from Zayaan.
Qulsum smacked her forehead closing her eyes. She started walking towards them, she was somehow relieved that Zayaan didn't avert his gaze from the device even after Aqsa practically screaming in his ears.

"You elephant walk fast." Aqsa shouted again and then covered her mouth to control her laughter.
Qulsum eyes almost budged out of the socket listening to her. Her mouth hung open while she stared at Aqsa with narrowed eyes. Did she just call her an elephant?

That particular comment also gained Zayaan attention, he raised his head to look at Aqsa and then at the person she called elephant.
Qulsum world stopped the moment their eyes clashed. He was staring at her just like he did the first day. She clutched her dress firmly taking measured steps towards him. Feeling his intense gaze, she pressed her lips straight looking here and there. She could literally hear her heart beat right now. Heaving her eye lashes she peeked at him only to find him still staring at her. A shiver coursed down her spine when his gaze roamed all over her face finally settling back at her eyes.

She gulped looking down, she was almost three steps away from him and she felt as if she was going to have a heart attack. Just then a familiar hand grasped her wrist making sigh in relief. Aqsa had tottered towards her friend when she was how nervous she was under Zayaan's gaze and what left her flabbergasted was the fact that Mr.Zayaan Zaidi was staring at her friend without blinking his eyes.

They both walked passed Zayaan and Qulsum never got courage to look up at him but she was drawn towards his strong honey scent.

Qulsum waited outside the parking lot as Aqsa walked in to get her car. She shuddered visibly imagining the way he was looking at her, his intense gaze was powerful as caressing. Qulsum was fidgeting with her fingers. Albeit, she knows that they both had their backs facing each other but still her stomach churned with nervousness.

Aqsa halted the car in front of her gesturing her to get in. Qulsum quickly got inside and reclined her head against the head rest. When the car took a turn she titled her head in his direction only to gasp. Zayaan was completely turned in their direction and was peering at her with his hands slipped in his pockets.

"Oh my God. What on earth was that? Why the hell was Mr.Zaidi staring at you like that? I am not sure how you managed cause I got goose bumps all over my hand with the way he was looking at you. And to be honest that was hot." Aqsa blabbered speeding her car while Qulsum was having mini heart attack. That was so not expected. She placed her hand over her heart which was thumping with different feeling.


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