27 | Shiza gets the first hint.

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"Remind me why we are here again. We don't even like her." Qulsum mumbled with gritted teeth throwing fake smiles at every relatives we were passing. Her face suddenly metamorphosed, she scowled at the sight of bride and her friends standing at the end of hallway.

"Keep smiling Qulsum or else mom will rant about it the whole night and I'm not ready to sacrifice my sleep listening to it again." I gestured Qulsum to wipe that scowl off her face.

"God, I don't like her a bit... Remember how she and friends had cut my head scarf into pieces so that I won't wear it." Qulsum seethed in anger peering at our Oh so not loving cousin who was also the bride.

"Calm down. That was nothing compared to what I did with her hair right?" I blurt controlling my laughter. I had pasted gum on her pillows just to take revenge for what she did with Qulsum.

"Hehe! That was so fun. You're best." Qulsum pouted giving me side hug.

"Look who we have here — losers." Bride's best friend said making the other two laugh.

Before I could retort back, Qulsum held my wrist, "Hey it's okay. She isn't speaking about us. For all I know we are anything but losers." Qulsum smiled lightly at our cousin and her friends.

I bat my eyelids gazing at Qulsum awestruck. When did my innocent sister learn to give sassy replies.

"Yeah whatever. Now shoo away, you're making us look disarranged." The girl waved her hand irking me.

Albeit, I agree she was very good beautiful with prominent features but the way she spoke showed her inner beauty which is hideous for sure.

"Disarranged? Really? I pity you though, even with all this beauty you're still struggling in your modelling carrier." I raise my brow and smirk.
Her mouth hung open.

I knew Jasmine's best friends were models. Jasmine also wanted to do modelling but since our family is very strict when it comes to tradition she had to say goodbye to her dream and pursue architect degree.

"Who do you think you're speaking to. Do you know my dad? He can get you fired from your job." The girl sneered.

I peer at Jasmine thinking if she had ever told her friends about our family background but listening to her friends bragging I think they know nothing about us and God they are about to get huge surprise or maybe shock?

"Oh Darling! I don't know why Jasmine hasn't told you this before but do you even know our full names? It's Qulsum and Shiza IRANI"
I pronounce IRANI by pressing on each letter.

"Go google Irani Groups, you are in for surprise. We are heiress of Irani Groups and I am damn sure your dad can't even reach us; let alone fire us." I scoff watching their face turn pale.

"You don't have rub it on our face," And this time, the other girl who had kept quiet till now spoke.
"Even my fiancee is very rich, almost equal to Irani Groups. Unlike you people I don't go around telling about him to everyone nor use influence to get to higher position."

I was about to reply her when Qulsum stopped me by saying, "Very well then. Congratulations Jasmine... We don't want to fight you on your big day. Let's go Shiza."

I shake my head staring at them with clenched jaws and walked past them when first girl spoke again halting both of us in track.

"Oh I heard her marriage kind of broke off. She got kidnapped or who knows maybe the groom made her disappear cause he didn't want to marry her anymore." I turn my head to look at the first girl who was smirking at me.

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