30 | Zayaan finds the anklet

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"I'm fine now." I said wiping the tears from back of my hand.

"Sure?" Zayaan questioned peering directly into my anguish brimmed eyes.

"Yeah... I didn't realise that coffee was too hot — I don't know what's wrong with me today. Maybe it's because I hadn't slept last night. I was doing some project related work the whole night." Again I lied to Zayaan.
I just wanted to leave this place at any cost. Every minute had pernicious effect on my mind and heart.

"Why would you do that? Anyways you need rest so let's go. I'll drop you back home." Zayaan announced picking his coat.

"No — no, I'll go with the driver. You just sign those papers." I spoke to him in low and urgent undertones. My tone somehow gave away the fact I wanted to leave the place.

He gazed at me for good two seconds and then sighed walking back towards the file. He swiftly went through the papers and signed it.

"Here you go." He passed me the file which I took it and mumbled a quick thank you without looking at him. I was well aware of his intense gaze on me which was making me nervous.

Clumsily I picked up my purse and file and sprinted towards the door. I was about to walk past Zayaan when he suddenly grasped my wrist and pulled me back. I found myself pressed against him causing goosebumps to erupt all over my body. His alluring scent engulfed me, freezing all my thoughts. The effect of physical contact was clearly visible on my face. I practically shuddered when I felt his body heat and fine abs against my palms which were laying on his chest.

His doubtful eyes stared down at my skittish orbs while sluggishly snaking  both his hands around my waist and pulling me closer. I felt the atmosphere around us unfurling with tension and emotions. I was feeling multiple emotions at the same time. A connection sparkled between us, kindling a flare of attraction and belongingness within me.

"I don't know what's going on in your head that's making you so uncomfortable around me. I just want you to know that I would rather have you look into my eyes and fight with me than avoid eye contact with me." He brushed his knuckles lightly against my cheek, while my breath came out ragged. I couldn't ignore our close proximity which was making my heart to thump. His affection brimming tone caused butterfly to erupt in my stomach.

"It kills me to see you cry or in agony. I would do anything in my power to keep you happy..." He whispered with tenderness and refreshing candour swimming in his eyes. With his every word, I felt my heart skipping a beat. Cherry on top was his manly scent which was easily annihilating my senses.

"It's not you." I finally whisper allowing my tears to roll down my cheek. "This time the person who is hurting me isn't you. I just need some time." I sniff lowering my eyes.

That was true. The person who was hurting me was myself.
I was starting to hate myself. I shouldn't have agreed to help Shiza during that rally and I shouldn't have met Zayaan at his Office.

"Don't hurt yourself too much and please don't cry..." He pulled my head to rest on his chest, I could hear his erratic heartbeat. A sense of peace descended upon me and I relaxed against him.

We stood in the warm silence with my feelings getting intoxicated by our bond. There was some invisible pull between us.

"When will you come home?" He suddenly asked.

"What?" I tilted my head upwards to look at him.

"When will you come back home?" This time my stomach churned with nervousness.

"Zayaan, what are you speaking?" I couldn't help but ask.

"Please tell me you don't expect me to be okay with you staying at your parents home. I want you to stay at our home. With me." For a second I stopped breathing. My heart was beating so fast that I felt it will pop out of my mouth any moment.

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