24 | You are beautiful

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The night sky is how I came to wish to fly.

It was around 11 pm, I was standing in the balcony gazing at the stars which were scintillating in the never ending dark sky.

I shut my eyes close feeling the wind blow my hair into a tousled mane. Gust of cold breeze slapping my skin, bristling the hair on my arm. I wrap my hand around myself inhaling deeply.

My trail of thoughts were broken by a click sound. Hurriedly, I pull the veil on my head covering my hair.

I heard footsteps approaching the balcony while I kept my gaze glued to the sky. I didn't have to turn around to know who was standing behind me cause I was enveloped by a familiar aroma — a saccharine scent that I am starting to get addicted to.

“Why haven't you slept yet?” Zayaan asked

“Shiza had called me.” I started ignoring his question, “She asked me what happened after she got kidnapped.”

There was a pause, we stood there in the darkness, no words were spoken yet it gave away many answers.
We have face it, there is no turning away. Shiza has to know the truth, decisions has to be made so that everyone of us live in peace.

“We will speak to Shiza later this weekend.” Zayaan finally muttered.

Giving him a nod I strolled inside the room. Batting my eyelids, I examined the surrounding and gulped.

“Why don't you have a couch in your bedroom?” I asked noticing there was only one king sized bed placed in the center of  majestic room. Three cushioned chairs placed on the right corner of room in front of fireplace.

Now that I have properly examined his room, I feel it lacks furnitures compared to my room. He doesn't have anything unnecessary not even a TV.

“Are we supposed to have couches in our rooms?” He questioned back with furrowed brows.

“Where are you going to sleep then?”

His furrow deepend highlighting his well-defined features. “Bed, I guess.”

“No... I mean you can't sleep on bed.”

“What? Why not? My bed is huge, I am sure two more people can sleep here.” he answered plopping on bed.

“I'm serious Zayaan.”

“So am I. You can sleep on the other side. Don't worry, I won't touch you, not until you ask me to.” he muttered the last sentence under his breath but I did hear it clearly.

I was stunned when my ears perceived his sentence. My mouth dropped open slightly, “What did you say?”

“Nothing” he shrugged his shoulder and layed his head on pillow.


Sitting upright, I leaned back resting my back against the bed rest headboard and turn my head to look at Zayaan. He had his back facing me. There was huge space between us and also a pillow wall which I had made even though it wasn't needed cause the gap between us could accomodate another two persons easily.

“Zayaan?” I whisper

After a second or two, he twisted and turned around to look at me.

His chiseled features were looking more prominent in the dim light of moon which was streaming inside the room through windows. His eyes looked so brilliant and blue just like deep ocean.

“Not able to sleep huh?” he asked with his modulating and husky voice making my inside shudder.

“No” I found myself answering.

MannatNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ