3 | Zayaan meeting Shiza

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I lean against my car with my eyes rooted to the entrance gate. It was already 11.30 and there was still no trace of Shiza.

I have never waited for someone like this in my lifetime. From past two hours I have been watching the gate like watchman. Students walking inside the college were throwing weird glances in my direction.

Just when I was about to give up a car stopped right in front of the gate. I narrowed my gaze only to see Shiza stepping out of her vehicle. However, she almost tripped in her high heels. Her big brown eyes went wide while her face turned pale. Her body tilted forward but luckily her hand grasped the handle saving herself from kissing the ground.

Quickly recovering from the shock she made a run towards the gate but halfway she halted in her track and ran back towards the car. I furrowed my brows peering at her confused self.

Opening the back door she retrieved her bag and again started running.

I can't believe she forgot her bag. Shiza was completely opposite to me, she was clumsy- a total mess. I usually get vexed just at the sight of clod people. But she was lucky because I admire her a lot to let go of her so easily.

I strode after her inside the college. I was only few meters away from her when she entered the classroom and shut the door behind her.

Sighing I was walking towards garden area when my eyes landed on the board in front of me.

Principal Office.

My lips curled up into a smile when an idea snapped in my head.

Just as I was about to knock the door. My phone started ringing, I glance at the caller ID - Dad.

"Yes Dad." I answer picking the call.

"Zayaan, It's already 12. Where are you?" Dad voice rung in my ears.

It's already 12 ?

"Dad I was out. I will be there in few minutes." I said making my way towards the gate. I'll come back here again and execute my plan.

Just as I was about to pass Shiza's classroom, the door opened and Shiza walked out.

I halt in my track and stare at her, she was only few meters away from me.

She was speaking with some colleague and God she was so freaking beautiful in real.

"Hope she is worth all the million dollars you have put in stake." Dad spoke again breaking my chain of thoughts.

"She is..." I whisper walking away from there.



Shiza and Zoya were strolling towards the staff room when a white Lamborghini car rocked slightly with the gust of wind, successfully seizing everyone's attention.

Shiza peered at the deluxe car curiously. No one was allowed to ride their car inside the gate unless they were VIP.

The car slowed down a bit when it came closer to the building making Shiza to squint her eyes and focus her attention on the car and at the person inside it. Shiza was baffled because she was acutely aware of the fact that the person inside the car had his eyes glued on her making her heart lurch. Albeit, the stranger inside the car was quite few meters away from her she felt his gaze was very intense, he stared back at her orbs way longer than usual eye contact.

Shiza swiftly lowered her head fidgeting with her fingers. The car came to an halt right in front of them making her stomach churn with nervousness.

"Zoya let's go." Shiza muttered trying hard not to look at the stranger whose gaze was as powerful as caressing.

"Yeah." Zoya answered, looking at her nervous friend.

Dipping her teeth deeper onto her lower lip Shiza hoisting her eyelids and peeked at the stranger who had now got down from the car. The moment her eyes landed on the stranger, she held her breath gulping the lump formed in her throat.

There stood a man who looked as sophisticated and handsome as if he had stepped out of magazine cover. He was around 6ft tall with his hair gelled and styled. His deep blue eyes shinning in contrast with his white tuxedo.

Shiza grasped the hem of her dress firmly when she registered a small smile lacing his chiselled features, he was peering at her intensely without batting his eyelids.

Clearing her throat, Shiza looked here and there trying to mask her nervousness. With one final glance at the stranger she sprinted towards staff room.

Zayaan was amused looking at Shiza. She looked nervous in his presence. He had purposely stared at her just to see how she reacts and God he loved her reaction. She was cute.

Smirking he strolled towards Principal's Office.

"Who was that again?" Shiza let out of a deep breath fanning her face.

Zoya chuckled plopping on her chair, "That's Zayaan Zaidi for you!"

"Allah... Why was he staring at us like that?" Shiza asked adjusting her head scarf.

"Us? Shiza, Zayaan was staring at you. I think he likes you. No wait..." Zoya trailed off, standing up from the chair she walked towards Shiza and turned her around, "Is this beginning of beautiful love story. I always watch these drama's where rich guy falls for middle class girl and does so many things for her. Aww I can't wait to see your love story." Zoya gushed cupping her face.

Shiza rolled her eyes and smacked Zoya on her head, "First of - I'm not from middle class family. Second - stop seeing so many drama's."

Even though Shiza shrugged off Zoya's wild and crazy dreams about her and Zayaan's love story. Somewhere in her heart she wanted Zayaan to like her.

At Irani's Mansion :-

"Qulsum for God's sake can you stop messing my room." Shiza sighed staring at her slipshod room.

"I am searching for something Shiza." Qulsum replied pulling the books off the drawer.

"I have something really important to tell you Qulsum. It's - it's about a guy." Shiza muttered, a tint of blush creeping her cheeks.

Qulsum hands stopped mid air, she turned around and peered at Shiza with narrowed eyes. "A guy?"


"Are you blushing Shiza. I want every juicy detail about this guy but before to that lemme find my anklet..." Qulsum resumed her search making Shiza huff.

"You lost your anklet? Thank God, you used to make one hella scary noise at night. How do you even wear it, don't you feel uncomfortable when something is wrapped around your leg?" Shiza laid on bed looking at the ceiling.

"Shiza stop questioning. Just get up and help me find the anklet. It's my favourite pair and I lost one." Qulsum pronounced pulling Shiza out of her bed.

"Okayyy Qulsummm"


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